
Be careful while using honey, otherwise there will be harm instead of benefit.


Honey has great importance in Ayurveda. It has been considered beneficial and effective in many diseases. It is an essential ingredient of various medicines. Honey proves effective in protecting against infectious diseases by increasing the body’s immunity. Many nutrients like calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, zinc are found in honey. Honey can help you in reducing weight and controlling many diseases. Let us know in which problems honey can prove to be very effective.

Be careful while using honey

  • By heating honey, many enzymes present in it are destroyed. Therefore avoid heating it. It may cause toxic symptoms when heated.

  • It has been seen many times that people use honey instead of sugar and mix it in hot beverages. It is also wrong to do this.

  • There are some food items with which honey should not be combined. Use of honey with spicy foods, ghee, mustard oil and wine is prohibited.

  • Some people drink honey mixed with hot water to burn fat. It is also wrong to do this. Drink honey mixed with normal water only. Mixing it with hot water is also not right.

These are the benefits of honey

  • Honey is a good fat burner. It is effective in reducing excess fat from the body.

  • Consumption of honey gives good results in diseases like cough, asthma etc. It is used in many remedies.

  • Consumption of honey is considered beneficial for eyesight.

  • Honey is considered effective for skin nourishment.

  • Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Because of this, wound healing or injury gets quick relief.

Honey does not contain fat, fiber and protein

Fructose is mainly found in it. Carbohydrates, riboflavin, vitamin B six, vitamin C, amino acids and niacin are found in honey. Fat, fiber and protein are not found in honey.

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