
Bareilly Weather: Rain increased the cold, temperature decreased by 4 degrees Celsius, got relief from increasing AQI.

Bareilly Weather: It has been raining in many districts around Bareilly in UP for the last two days. Due to which the maximum and minimum temperatures have decreased. The minimum temperature in Bareilly has dropped by 4 degrees Celsius. Due to this the cold has increased. The minimum temperature in Bareilly has come down to 11 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature has decreased by 3 degrees Celsius. The weather has become quite clear after the rain. There was no fog on Tuesday morning. Along with this, the Air Quality Index (AQI) has decreased. People have got great relief due to reduction in AQI. Due to increase in AQI for a long time, people were having difficulty in breathing. But, on Tuesday the AQI of Bareilly has come down to 78. The AQI of Rajendra Nagar of the city is 83, Civil Lines is 79 and Subhash Nagar is 72. This is good for health. However, Bareilly’s AQI had reached 110 at 9:00 am on Tuesday. But, came down at 9:45 in the morning. This has reduced to 78 left. There has been a lot of improvement in the AQI of the cities of West UP. The AQI of Ghaziabad, Noida and Meerut was in very poor condition. But, on Tuesday, Meerut came to 45th place among the 100 polluted cities of the world. AQI of Meerut is 300. Similarly, Ghaziabad dropped from 9th position to 48th position. Ghaziabad’s AQI is 299, Noida is at 49th position. The AQI here is 298. AQI of Muzaffarnagar, UP is 288. It is ranked 68th in the world. AQI of other cities of UP is below 100.

Wheat crop benefits but potatoes suffer loss

Some of Ravi’s crops have benefited from unseasonal rains in winter. But, there is huge loss to many crops. Farmers are very upset due to this. The wheat crop benefits greatly from unseasonal rains. Along with this, barley, gram, lentils, linseed and vegetable crops will be benefited. But, the potato crop has suffered damage.

AQI up to 100 is good for health

0 to 50 AQI is best for human health. 51-100 AQI is also considered fine, but sensitive people start having slight difficulty in breathing. 101 AQi not good. Lung, heart and asthma patients have difficulty in breathing due to AQI of 101 to 200. But, Bareilly’s AQI is beyond 300. This is quite worrying. There is oxygen in the air. Its quantity should be 19.5 volumes. Oxygen less than this is harmful for human health. Health starts getting adversely affected.

Report- Muhammad Sajid, Bareilly

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