
Bareilly: Water level of rivers increased after release of water from Kalagarh Dam, crops submerged, houses and schools covered in Ramganga

Bareilly News: After the change in the weather, rain has stopped in the plains and the agony of humid summer has started once again. But, the monsoon is still active in the hilly areas. Because of this, the attitude of the rivers remains intact amid heavy rains.

Many dams including Ramganga, Kalagarh located in Uttarakhand have become full of water. That’s why water has been released from Kalagarh Dam. In such a situation, the flood crisis has increased in other areas. An increase in the water level of the Ramganga river passing through Bareilly has been recorded.

The Ramganga river has started engulfing the crops. Thousands of bighas of paddy crop have been submerged. Along with this, many villages have also come under its grip. The Ramganga river has started cutting after the water level increased. Due to this, many villages including Tirtha Nagar of Bareilly have been affected. The people living here are in trouble.

Five thousand cusecs of water released from Kalagarh

Kalagarh Dam is filled with water due to rain in Uttarakhand. That’s why five thousand cusecs of water has been released now. Due to this the water level of Ramganga has increased. The Ramganga river has started engulfing the crops.

Farmers risking their lives to bring fodder for animals

After the release of water from Kalagarh, the Ramganga river has swelled with water. The crops have been submerged. The routes leading to the farmers’ fields have been closed, so the water has filled there. Because of this, the farmers are facing the problem of fodder for the animals. Farmers risking their lives to get fodder for cattle through the flood waters.

Many houses of Tirtha Nagar immersed in the river

After the release of water from Kalagarh Dam in Uttarakhand, the water level of Ramganga, Bahgul etc. rivers has increased. Due to this, many villages have started coming in the grip of water. The primary school, Gurudara and all the houses of Teerthnagar village of Mirganj have been submerged in the Ramganga river. Due to the rising water level of Ramganga, the very existence of the village is in danger. People here have started leaving their homes to save their lives. Most of the houses in the village have merged into the Ramganga, while some more houses are preparing to go into the river. Along with this, due to increase in water in Ramganga river, crops of 330 villages have started getting submerged.

Storage capacity of Kalagarh Dam full

The storage capacity of Kalagarh Dam in Uttarakhand is 555 meters. It has been 555 meters here. Only after this, five thousand cusecs of water is being released. According to the superintending engineer of the dam, due to heavy rains in Kumaon and Garhwal, the water level of Ramganga Dam has increased. Here 530 meters of water will be stored. That’s why water will be released in between. Earlier, water was released from here in 2013 and 2021 as well. Due to the release of dam water, the water level of Ramganga river passing through the districts of Bareilly, Moradabad, Shahjahanpur, Rampur, Bijnor, Farrukhabad etc. will also increase.

Ganga wreaks havoc in Bareilly’s Shahjahanpur

In Shahjahanpur district of Bareilly division of Uttar Pradesh, the water level in Ganga has increased significantly. Due to increase in the water level of Ganga, the miseries of the flood victims are increasing in the villages situated in Khadar. Flood victims imprisoned in submerged homes yearn for pure drinking water. The biggest problem is to get rid of defecation in submerged villages. Women and children are facing a lot of trouble for this.

state highway and road submerged

Due to rise in the water level of Ganga, all the connectivity routes of the area including Jalalabad-Dhaighat, Shamshabad, Saurikh, Vidhuna State Highway are submerged. Traffic on the highway is closed due to the strong flow of water. The highway has been cut off at many places by the strong current of water. Due to this, villagers are not able to reach the concrete bridge of Ganga at Dhaighat from village Baldevpur, about one and a half kilometer ahead of Dhaigaon. Traffic has stopped on the highway.

Social worker and administration helped

Due to increase in water in Ganga, water has entered people’s homes. That’s why people have been kept at shelter places and flood victims along the Dhaighat highway. Here social worker and revenue inspector Sukhveer Singh is distributing lunch packets in the morning and evening along with the accountants. But, even the government and social workers are not able to help the flood victims surrounded in the villages.

Gram Panchayat Pailani North Majra Azad Nagar, Islamnagar, Masjid Nagla, Kataila Nagla, Lohar Nagla, Moti Nagla, Button Nagla, Abhicharpur, Banskheda, Pailani North, Gram Panchayat Bharatpur Village Pankhiya Nagla, Pakhiya Nagla, Dhobian Nagla, Bharatpur surrounded by water Handpumps installed for drinking water in 24 villages of Guteti Uttar Gram Panchayat, Dhiyarpura, Mohkampur, Maholiya, Guteti Uttar, Prithvipur Dhai Gram Panchayat Majra Anta, Dadiya, Yakutpur, Baldevpur, Bakhtavarganj, Pihua etc. are submerged in flood water. Due to this, it has become compulsion for the victims to quench their thirst with the water of the handpumps submerged in the flood water. Government help is not reaching the villages.

Can’t find candle and kerosene

Ganga water has entered the villages. That’s why the power supply is off. Villagers are lighting the submerged houses by charging mobiles with solar plates, those who do not have the facility of solar plates, are spending the night in darkness. The administration provided a packet of candles along with the ration kit to a few flood victims. Flood victims say that a packet of candles was finished in two days. Now they have to live in the dark. Kerosene is also not being distributed.

Report- Muhammad Sajid, Bareilly

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