
Bareilly: The girl left religion and family and lived in live-in relationship with her lover for 5 years, now refuses to marry, know the matter.

A case that puts the relationship of trust to shame has come to light in Bareilly, UP. Here a young man first befriended a girl from another community, then they fell in love and the love relationship continued for about 5 years. During this period, the closeness between the two also increased. Meanwhile, the girl also changed her religion. Thinking that she would take seven rounds with the young man and adopt Sanatan Dharma and remain in Hindu religion for the rest of her life, but at the last moment the young man refused to marry her. After this, the girl has now given an application to the police officers pleading for justice that if she does not get justice, she will commit suicide. The victim says that the young man had a physical relationship with her for 5 years and lived a married life with her and now he is refusing to marry her. The young man’s family had adopted the girl as their daughter-in-law, but now they are refusing to marry her. As soon as there was talk of legal action, the parents of the young man put pressure on the girl to compromise and said that the case would be withdrawn.

This is the whole matter

In fact, a 20-year-old girl resident of Bahedi police station area of ​​Bareilly has given an application to the police officials saying that she had befriended a young man named Prateek Chaudhary. Prateek works in a bank. He lured you into love trap and said that even though you belong to another community, I and my family like you, hence I will marry you only. After which he introduced me to his parents, maternal uncle and uncle. He said yes saying that the marriage would be finalized. The girl told that after that the closeness increased. After which the young man took him with him to Delhi on 18 June 2023. Where he is working. Kept me as my wife here. During this time he had physical relations. After that he also took me to Rudrapur with his relative. Had physical relations also in Rudrapur and Nainital. Even after that he continued to build relationships. Many times when I met my family members, they also said that marriage would take place. Due to which the victim girl changed her religion according to the religion of the young man. The victim says that on January 20, Prateek was planning to marry another girl. But now the matter reached the police. Where a case has been registered on the orders of SSP. The victim said that just like my life has been ruined, now Prateek will go to jail. Prateek’s family members are absconding from home and three relatives are in police custody. Prateek, accused of rape, is also absconding from home.

Hindu leader and SP Dehat said this

In this entire matter, Hinduist leader and Acharya of August Muni Ashram, Pandit KK Shankhadhar is also with the girl from the victimized Muslim community. He took the victim to the police to get justice. Giving information, he said that it has been heard that she is a girl from Bahedi area. She was in an affair with a Hindu youth for 5 years. This is absolutely condemnable. The religion of humanity is the greatest. Cheating any girl and having physical relations with her comes under the category of crime. Certainly action should be taken against the boy. Whereas SP Dehat Mukesh Chandra Mishra says that an FIR has been registered. The accused is being searched. The police do not have information about whether the second marriage will be finalized or broken. A case has been registered on the basis of the complaint given by the victim.

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