
Bareilly: Online fraud of 21.40 lakhs from the grandson of former minister, this is how it was revealed, know what to do in case of fraud…


Bareilly: Cyber ​​thugs online cheated Rs 21.40 lakh from Dr. Anupam Sharma, grandson of former Uttar Pradesh government minister Dharmadutt Vaidya and son of former MLA Bhupendra Nath Sharma. In this matter Dr. Anupam Sharma Bareilly A report has been lodged against unknown cyber thugs in Prem Nagar police station. This fraud was done in the name of gold trending. However, this was revealed after accepting Rs 6 lakh back.

Dr. Anupam Sharma, who runs a hospital named City Hospital in Gandhinagar under Premnagar police station area of ​​Bareilly city, complained to the ADG. He told in the complaint that he had received an online message. It was told in this online message that if you do gold trading from our portal, then we will make you a big profit. Relying on the online message, Dr. Anupam opened an account on the portal. Dr. Anupam’s Aadhaar card was also taken online on the portal.

After this, he deposited Rs 21.40 lakh several times for gold trading. After this, the fake portal company sent a message to Anupam telling him that he had made huge profits in gold trading. Along with this, the amount invested has increased from Rs 21.40 lakh to Rs 51 lakh. A few days later, Dr. Anupam applied to the company to pay Rs.6 lakh. But, the people of the fake company started evasive. He suggested to apply on Monday. But tried to open the portal and website on Monday, but they were closed.

On this, Anupam realized that there was an online fraud. Anupam filed an online complaint of fraud with RBI. Along with this, on complaining to the ADG, a case was registered against unknown thugs at Premnagar police station. Apart from this, an online fraud of Rs 30,000 has been committed from the account of Shakoor Ahmed Khan, a resident of Civil Lines of the city. He has also complained to the police officers.

Keep yourself safe from such online thugs

Online thugs are very active on social media. You need to protect yourself from them. Do not give Aadhaar card, PAN card to anyone at all. Do not click on any new link. By clicking on the link, your personal information can be given to the thugs. Don’t get tricked by any offer or reward. Do not tell anyone when OTP is received on mobile. Do not give bank details.

Also avoid calls with objectionable videos on video calls

Such cases have also come to the fore, in which some girls try to trap people through video calls. Do not fall under the trap of such people. There have been many incidents of blackmail by making objectionable videos. Turn off the internet on mobile while sleeping at night. Avoid downloading useless apps.

Complain on this toll free number

Call the toll free number 1930 as soon as the fraud occurs. Along with this, you can also file a complaint on cybercrime.gov.in as soon as the fraud is detected.

Report- Muhammad Sajid Bareilly


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