
Badaun News New twist in the case of murder of innocent children in Badaun, why did Sajid say this!

Badaun: A new twist has come in the murder case of Ayush and Ahaan (Badaun News). Sajid had also given information about the incident at his home. After this the police arrested Sajid’s father and uncle. While the other brother Javed is still absconding. Many police teams are busy searching for him. Meanwhile, after the post-mortem, the bodies of Ayush and Ahaan were taken home. Due to which once again the situation there worsened. Mother Sangeeta and other family members started crying as soon as they saw the dead body. Local people are demanding an encounter with the second accused also.

Name of both Sajid and Javed in FIR
According to the police, Vinod Thakur, the father of the deceased children, has lodged an FIR. In which both Sajid and Javed have been made accused of murder. Sajid had killed Ayush and Ahaan by slitting their throats. While Piyush survived the attack. Why Sajid committed this murder has not been known. But after the incident he said that ‘today my work is done’, the police is looking for clues regarding this.

Knife wounds were also found on the neck and chest.
The post mortem report of Ayush and Ahaan has also come out. It is learned that Sajid first slit Ayush’s throat. After this, he was also attacked several times on the chest. During investigation, four wounds were also found on the chest. A knife wound was found on Ahaan’s neck. Why did Sajid commit murder in such a gruesome manner? Why did he target children first? Piyush, who escaped the attack, is also not able to tell anything yet.

The children were cremated
On the other hand, when the bodies of Ayush and Ahaan reached home from the post-mortem house, the entire atmosphere there became sad. Only sounds of crying and sobbing were heard everywhere. Everyone was just saying what harm the small children had done to Sajid. Due to this atmosphere, anger once again spread among the people present there. People were demanding bulldozers on Sajid’s house and encounter of his brother Javed. Due to the matter being related to two communities, heavy police force was present at the spot. After somehow calming the atmosphere, the police performed the last rites of both the children. The children were buried at around 12 noon. Meanwhile the atmosphere remained tense.

Accused Sajid’s mother said – there is no sorrow for her son’s death
In the Badaun double murder case, the police had killed Sajid in an encounter within three hours of the murder. His post-mortem was also done on Wednesday. Sajid’s mother Najma also reached the post-mortem house. He said that there is no sorrow in the death of his son in a police encounter. Just sad that he killed small children. Currently, the police is searching for Sajid’s brother Javed in this case. Several police teams including SOG have been deployed in search of Javed.

The accused was a resident of Sakhanu
Sajid was a resident of Sakhanu of Alapur police station area. He had opened a salon in Baba Colony about two years ago. It is being told that Vinod Thakur (father of the deceased children) had also helped him in opening the salon. Sajid and Javed also had to visit Vinod’s house. He used to cut the hair of Vinod’s children. Local people say that Sajid closed his shop early on the day of the incident. Whereas usually he used to close the shop by nine-ten o’clock. The reasons for the murder have not been revealed yet. The real reason for the murder will be revealed only after the arrest of Javed.

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