
Baby Care Tips: New born baby needs special care in winter, take care like this in harsh cold.


Strength of the immune system is necessary in cold weather, but the immune system is not well developed in a new born baby. In such a situation, the possibility of getting infected by diseases is very high. Therefore, only by taking special care of them, you can maintain their happiness, know 10 tips.


Keep baby’s room sanitized

The room of a new born baby should be kept completely sanitized. For this, do not use common sanitizer at all. Adopt the measures suggested by experts. It is important to keep their room completely germ free.

new baby born

give baby the warmth of the sun

Sunshine is necessary for everyone in the cold season. Give the newborn baby the warmth of sunlight for some time every day. But keep in mind that do not keep it in a place where cold wind is blowing. Sunlight gives warmth to his body and at the same time also kills germs.

Newborn Baby

Massage with lukewarm oil

Massaging a new born baby is necessary even in cold weather, but the oil should not be cold. Heat it lukewarm and massage it properly. Due to this, his muscles become stronger and the blood circulation system also works properly. The skin also gets essential nutrition from it.

baby care

Wear only comfortable warm clothes

Keep in mind that children should be dressed in warm clothes that are light and thin but can keep their body warm well. Do not wear thick sweaters or heavy clothes. Be sure to cover his ears.

Baby Skin Care

Bathe with lukewarm water after a gap of one day.

It is not at all necessary to bathe a new born baby every day during the winter season. It can be bathed with lukewarm water for a day. But do not do this in the open. And after bathing, immediately wrap it in a soft cloth.


protect from exposure

Leave the house with the newborn baby only when absolutely necessary. But go out only after covering it well with warm clothes. Keep in mind that hands, legs and head remain covered. Take him somewhere only after covering him with a woolen shawl or a light blanket.

baby care

change clothes regularly

Change baby’s clothes regularly. This can be done twice a day. This reduces the risk of children getting infected. Also avoid direct exposure while changing clothes. Keep checking diapers.

baby care

Kangaroo mother care method is effective

Kangaroo mother care method is the best way to protect your baby from cold. Keep giving him the warmth of your body continuously. Never let him come in contact with sick people. It is very important to protect yourself from seasonal cold.

baby care

Do not use heavy blanket

No matter how cold it is, children should not be covered with very heavy blankets. Due to this, the child will not only be uncomfortable but will also not be active. Keep it covered but make sure there is no heaviness.

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