
Ayodhya: Consecration ceremony, 10 temporary hospitals will be built to deal with emergencies.

People are coming from all over the country and the world in view of the consecration of the statue of Lord Shri Ram in Lucknow and Ayodhya. Hospitals in Lucknow have been alerted to deal with any kind of emergency. Temporary hospitals will be built on the routes connecting Ayodhya. There will also be an ambulance facility here, so that there is no problem in taking patients from one hospital to another.

A meeting was held in the CMO office with officials of the health department and private hospitals and medical colleges. Deputy CMO Dr. AP Singh said that 10 temporary hospitals will be built. These hospitals built in tents will have all the facilities to provide primary treatment. This hospital will be built on the highway connecting Ayodhya. Ambulances will also be parked for these temporary hospitals so that in case of any untoward incident, the patients can be shifted after providing first aid and necessary medicines. ECG, sugar, BP and other tests can be done.

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