
Awadh Bihari Chaudhary removed from the post of Speaker of Bihar Assembly, NDA passes first floor test

The process of removing the Speaker from the post was started on Monday before the floor test in Bihar Assembly. As per the rules, Assembly Speaker Avadh Bihari Chaudhary started the proceedings. During this, a resolution was presented to remove the Speaker from the post. To pass it, support of 38 MLAs was required. This resolution was passed. After which the Speaker’s chair was left by Awadh Bihari Chaudhary and the Deputy Speaker presided over the House. Voting was conducted to remove the Speaker from the post. During voting, sufficient votes were received against the Speaker and ultimately Awadh Bihari Chaudhary was removed from the post of Speaker before the floor test.

The process of removing the Speaker from the post started in the House on Monday. First a resolution was passed to remove the Speaker from the post. After this, Awadh Bihari Chaudhary left the chair of the Speaker and Maheshwar Hazari took charge of the proceedings of the House. After this, voting was conducted to remove the Chairman from the post by voice vote.

The proposal was also passed by voice vote and after that the voting process was started. Votes were cast from both sides. In which a total of 125 votes were cast in favor of the proposal to remove the Speaker from the post and 112 against it. After which Avadh Bihari Chaudhary was removed from the post of Assembly Speaker.

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