
Avoid eating these in summer, otherwise dehydration may occur.

Health Tips: To remain healthy during the summer season, people often include many types of food items in their diet. These food items not only help in cooling the body, but also contribute significantly in keeping us overall healthy. However, there are some foods that should be avoided during this time, as they can cause dehydration by generating excess heat within the body. In such a situation, it is important to be aware of these food items to keep yourself fit in terms of health and maintain the level of hydration. At present, there is scorching heat and severe heat wave in many parts of the country. The temperature is likely to increase further in the coming days, so it is very important to pay attention to your eating habits and food choices. Although more attention is often given to which foods should be consumed during this season, it is equally important to understand which foods should be avoided. Here is a list of foods to avoid during summers as they are more likely to cause dehydration and have adverse effects on the body. Know about those food items.

spicy food

During the scorching summer season, it is always advisable to eat light and easily digestible food and stay away from spicy food. Actually, capsaicin present in spicy dishes can have adverse effects on your health. This not only contributes to dehydration, but it also increases the body temperature. This can cause indigestion, flatulence and other digestive problems.

Also Read: Include these superfoods in your diet in summer, you will get amazing benefits.


Generally many people take the help of coffee to deal with lethargy and yawning. But consumption of this drink can be harmful during the summer months. Coffee acts as a diuretic. This causes frequent urination. Dehydration can be a problem due to excessive loss of water from the body in the form of urine. Also the body temperature may increase. To take care of your health amid the scorching heat, one should either avoid coffee completely or limit its consumption.

carbonated drinks

To cool themselves during the summer season, people consume a lot of carbonated drinks like water soda. Water soda is also quite popular among the people. Even though these carbonated drinks can give you relief for some time, their excessive consumption is harmful for health. In fact, these beverages not only contain excessive amounts of sugar, but they also contribute to dehydration. To prevent dehydration and maintain the water level in the body, soda water should be consumed wisely.

dry feet

Dry fruits are often known for their nutritional benefits. But it is advisable to limit the consumption of dry fruits during the summer season. Since dry fruits have a hot nature. Therefore, nutritious dry fruits can increase the body temperature, which can cause problems during the summer season.

fried foods

Fried foods like burgers, samosas and French fries should be avoided during the summer months. These food items not only contain high amount of salt, but can also increase the problem of dehydration. Additionally, excessive consumption of fried foods in summer can also cause indigestion. Therefore, it is advised to avoid fried foods to avoid dehydration and digestive problems during summer.


Even though sweet and sour pickles taste delicious. But, the amount of sodium in pickles is quite high. Therefore, consumption of pickles during summer season can increase the problem of dehydration. Also, consuming pickles in large quantities can also cause indigestion. It is wise to reduce the consumption of pickles during the summer months to keep the body hydrated and maintain digestive health.

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