
Aurangabad: The journey from the corridor of red terror to the smart class, the lives of the children are being improved


Vinay Kumar Singh, Madanpur. Pirwa village located in the Naxal-affected Chalho zone of Madanpur block, where once upon a time there was a shadow of red terror. Along with the changing times, the picture of the area has also changed. Where once the youth used to hold weapons. There, now taking higher education from smart class, they are improving their future. The girls of this area are also not behind the boys. Girls are also leaving their homes and getting higher education. Pirwa Middle School was upgraded to Higher Secondary School in 2012. Since then a teacher has been appointed in the school. The school was being run on their trust only. But, since the Bihar Government’s Upgradation Bihar Scheme has been implemented. The situation has changed, the students of the school are getting the solution of the problems of all their subjects from the smart class with full dedication. Two decades ago, instead of studying, children used to learn how to use weapons.

The children have made the pen their weapon

Due to the schemes of the government, now children are brightening their future by studying with pen and smart class. Children have made the pen their weapon. There is only one teacher of social science in the upgraded high school Pirwa of the block area. Students had a lot of difficulty in studying other subjects. Under the Upgradation Scheme, due to smart classes being taught in this school, students study other subjects. The girl students of the school told that we used to study on the basis of one teacher. Due to this the course could not be completed. We used to have difficulty in studies. Had to take the help of coaching. Now all the subjects are taught in the smart class.

Smart class changed the face of high school

Thousands of children are getting benefit from smart classes started in government schools. For this, modern technical resources have been made available by the government. Along with this, teachers have been given special training in Patna. At present, thousands of children are getting education through digital medium from the smart class being run in 10 high schools of the block, where the nuances of the course are explained to the children in a modern way. Along with increasing self-confidence in the child, it helps him to move forward by reading and writing.

what does the principal say

Principal Sanjay Mishra told that the attendance of children has increased due to the introduction of smart class scheme. The introduction of smart classes will help the students a lot in the upcoming matriculation examination. There are 104 students studying in the 10th class in the school, while the enrollment for the ninth class has started.


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