
At least how many hours of sleep is necessary? Know how much sleep should be given to people of which age group

Sleep Need By Age

Sleep is the foundation of good health

We all have always read that the foundation of good health lies in sleep. If you get enough sleep, your energy will remain intact. You will feel like doing something, otherwise you will work lazily with a heavy mind and eventually fall ill and go to bed. Therefore, if you are concerned about health, then worry about sleep also.

Sleep requirements of people of different ages

Actually, sleep is important for the body and brain to function properly. It supports cell growth, immune system function and hormone regulation. People of different ages have different sleep requirements. Lifestyle changes are important to prioritize both quantity and quality of sleep

Necessary for proper functioning of body and mind

Sleep is not only important to feel refreshed, but also for the proper functioning of the body and mind. While you sleep the body undergoes vital processes of cellular growth and repair that are essential for the proper functioning of immunity as well as general physical well-being. Hormones released in response to sleep also include hormones that control growth, stress, appetite and metabolism.


Getting enough sleep is important

Sleep disturbance can alter hormonal balance, resulting in a number of health problems. Getting adequate sleep helps increase general physical stamina, coordination and reaction time. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Has been linked to higher risks. Getting enough sleep is important to maintain normal blood pressure levels

Adults aged 18-60 lead a fast-paced life with work responsibilities and family chores. In the fast-paced life, they sometimes do not get enough rest. However, the recommended sleep duration for an adult is 7-9 hours per day. lives

Older adults age 61 and older need to conserve their energy sometimes due to their slower physiological processes. However, most older people have trouble sleeping due to health conditions such as joint pain and insomnia. The recommended sleep duration for is about 7-8 hours per day

Amount of sleep required for every age group

Actually, the amount of sleep required is different for every age group. Based on age, research findings suggest a normal time for good sleep.

  • The recommended sleep duration is highest for newborns aged 0-3 months as they are still developing apart from the mother’s womb. A newborn baby usually needs about 14-17 hours of sleep per day.

  • Babies aged 4-11 months need the recommended sleep of around 12-15 hours a day for their physical functions and development.

For small children 1-2 years

  • For children younger than 1-2 years, most of their energy is spent while playing and their brain functioning requires rest. Therefore, the recommended sleep duration for them is around 11-14 hours per day.

  • Children aged 3-5 years who are in preschool are in the learning stage who also need adequate rest. The recommended sleep duration for them is 10-13 hours per day.

  • School going children aged 6-12 years are developing in body mass and height, therefore, the recommended sleep duration for them is 9-12 hours per day.

  • Teens aged 13-18 spend their time developing new hobbies, playing exhausting games, and studying. Their reproductive organs are also undergoing major progress which requires them to get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per day. Sleep To rule out a disorder or health problem, it is important to visit a health professional if you repeatedly have difficulty sleeping or feel tired during the day.

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