
Astrology: These problems occur due to the influence of these planets in the horoscope, know the results of the planets situated in the seventh house.

Astrology: According to astrology, the seventh house of the horoscope is seen. The seventh house itself tells what will be the nature of the wife and how will be the relationship of the person with his life partner. What will be the personality of the person with his wife? Some shallow information can also be obtained about physical features and character traits. According to astrology, mostly matching of qualities and Mangal Dosha is considered for marriage on the basis of Nakshatra, but if special care is taken of the seventh house then the best choice can be made.

the sun makes one despise

If the Sun is situated in the seventh house from the birth ascendant, then the man gets disrespect from women. Although according to the sutra it is said only for a male person, but it is seen that if the Sun of the seventh house is present in the horoscope of a female person, then the woman has to face the disrespect of her husband. The spouses of such people often insult the people in public or even in the market. It is not that they intend to insult, but most of the time such situations arise that contempt or insult occurs.

Mars gives auspicious life partner

If the Moon is in the seventh house then the person who comes under control with humble humility is happy, beautiful and sensual. If this moon is weak then the person becomes poor and sick.

Astrologers told about the position of seventh Mars that due to presence of Mars in seventh house, wife may die. Kamanal pacifies lowly women. Women’s breasts are elevated and hard. The person is often physically weak, ill, attacked by enemies and engrossed in worries.

Effect of Mercury in the seventh house

A person whose Mercury is in the seventh house at the time of birth is the owner of a very beautiful and beautiful woman. If Mercury is alone then it has a dazzling glow like gold which fascinates the mind. He is definitely relaxed during sex. His semen is weak.

Jupiter gives a better half

A person whose Jupiter is situated in the seventh house at the time of birth is humble by nature. It is the owner of a very popular and magnetic person, his wife proves to be his better half in the true sense and is a scholar, he gets the happiness of women and money. He is a good advisor and skilled in composing poetry.

Venus infatuates another woman

The person who has Venus in the seventh house at the time of his birth, his wife is fair in complexion, he gets happiness from women, is adept in singing, is sensual with vehicles and is attached to other women. The planet responsible for marriage is Venus. According to the theory, if the causative planet is under the causative house, it does not allow the situation to remain normal, hence Venus in the seventh house creates some irregularities in married life. The marriage of such a person often becomes a topic of discussion.

Saturn makes you sad

The residence of Saturn in the seventh house cannot be called auspicious or pleasant in any way. Due to Saturn being in the seventh house, the person’s body remains full of defects (diseases). His wife is thin and the person becomes a prostitute and is unhappy. If Saturn is an exalted planet or own planet then the person enjoys many women. If Saturn is combined with Mars then the woman is very sensual and she gets married to an older woman.

Rahu creates fear of bigamy

If Rahu is in the seventh house at the time of birth, then he has two marriages. The first woman dies or gets divorced and the second woman suffers from diseases like leucorrhoea etc. The person is angry, does harm to others, has a relationship with an adulterous woman, is proud and dissatisfied.

Ketu insults the person

If Ketu is in the seventh house then the person is insulted. Women do not get happiness, there is trouble for women and sons etc. Expenditure increases due to the king’s disfavor and fear of enemies and fear of water remains. That person has sex with adulterous women.

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