
Astrology: These planets in the horoscope make a person poor, do these measures for wealth increase and happiness and prosperity.

Astrology: According to astrology, according to the position of the planets, many ups and downs are seen in a person’s life. Many times, due to weak financial condition, a person’s life becomes hell. Even after earning money continuously, he keeps drowning in debt. One has to face many money related problems. Sometimes, despite all your hard work, your money does not last and you start becoming financially weak. It is said in astrology that the reason for this is the planets present in the horoscope. Due to the bad position of these planets, a person has to be in need of even a single penny. In such a situation, let us know which are those planets due to which such a situation arises and the astrological solution to avoid it…

Saturn is the god of justice and giver of results.

In astrology, Shani Dev is considered to be the eldest son of Sun God and the god of justice and the giver of karmic results, but along with this he is also considered to be the ancestral enemy. The planet Saturn is also considered to be inauspicious and the cause of sorrow, when the planet Saturn is present in the horoscope of a person then he lives for a long time. Due to this, Shani Dosh, Sade Sati and Dhaiya remain in a person’s horoscope for a long time. Due to the aspect of Saturn, one has to face weak financial condition, loss in job-business, getting entangled in legal matters, obstacles in marriage etc. Along with this, a person gets so deeply in debt that he becomes a pauper. To avoid the evil eye of Shani, go to Shani temple on Saturday and offer mustard oil. Along with this, light a mustard oil lamp and worship.

Rahu planet

According to Vedic astrology, the planet Rahu is considered to be the causative planet of harsh speech, gambling, travels, theft, evil deeds, skin diseases, religious journeys etc. The person in whose birth chart Rahu is situated in an inauspicious place, or is suffering from If this happens then the person gets negative results, along with this, Rahu planet is also called a shadow planet in astrology. If Rahu sits with auspicious planets in the horoscope of a person, then it proves beneficial. In such a situation, due to the inauspicious effects of Rahu, the health of the person gets adversely affected. Along with this, problems like financial loss, drowning in debt also arise. To avoid the inauspicious condition of Rahu, chant the mantra Om Ra Rahve Namah 108 times regularly.

Mars planet

Even if the position of Mars, the commander of the planets, is bad, it has a bad effect on a person’s life. When Mars comes in the sixth, eighth and tenth house in the horoscope, financial loss increases. Debts start increasing rapidly in the life of the person. To correct the position of Mars, worship Lord Hanuman on Tuesday. Along with this, take the advice of an astrologer and wear coral gemstone. This will get you rid of debt.

This position of planets makes a person rich or poor

According to astrology, the second house or place of the horoscope is considered to be of wealth. The position of the planets in this house makes a person rich or poor. When Mercury is in the second house of a person’s horoscope and the Moon is aspecting him, there is a possibility of the person facing shortage of money. In such a situation, the person is not able to accumulate wealth even after trying hard. He gradually gets burdened with debt. This position of the planets in the horoscope makes the person poor, people in whose horoscope the Sun and Mercury are placed in the second house, they also never have wealth, and also when the Moon is alone in someone’s horoscope. And if there is no planet in the twelfth house of the horoscope, then in such a situation it indicates that the person will be moneyless throughout his life. Apart from this, if the Moon is situated in the second house of the horoscope and Mercury is aspecting it, then the person will not have any money. And his family’s wealth is destroyed.

Man becomes poor due to the positions of these planets

  • – When the lord of the 11th house i.e. the profit place in the horoscope is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, then the person is always burdened with debt. Due to inauspicious position of planets in the horoscope, a person has to face financial troubles throughout his life.

  • – According to astrology, when the ruling planet of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house in a person’s birth chart, then such people do not get respect from their relatives, along with this, financial crisis increases in the life of the person. Starts growing together.

  • – If the ruling planet of the 2nd and 11th house in the horoscope sits in the 6th, 8th or 12th house and Mars-Rahu are in the place of wealth, then the person should avoid accumulating wealth in wrong ways. Such wealth is never settled, rather it is wasted. Sometimes the person has to become poor due to this reason.

Answers to selected questions related to astrology will be published

Many such solutions have been suggested in astrology, by following which every problem of life can be solved. These measures also bring success in career, job, business, family disputes and many other tasks. To solve the various problems given below, you can definitely take astrological advice once. If you have any astrological, spiritual or esoteric curiosity, then ask your question in short words along with your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth. radheshyam.kushwaha@prabhatkhabar.in or WhatsApp No- 8109683217 send over. Please write ‘BollywoodWallah Digital’ in the subject line. Answers to selected questions will be published in the religion section of BollywoodWallah Digital.

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