
Are Hybrid Cars More Eco-Friendly Than EVs and ICE Vehicles? IIT Kanpur students did research

Hybrid Vehicles Sustainable : In India, electric vehicles are considered to be much better than petrol-diesel or ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) cars. Especially, electric cars are being preferred more in metros. The government is also running a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme to promote electric vehicles. In such a situation, the students of IIT Kanpur have found in their research that hybrid cars are more durable than electric vehicles and ICE cars. This research study says that hybrid cars can be better than EV and ICE cars.

Electric vehicles can have adverse effects on the environment

The study by the students of IIT Kanpur also shows that the vehicles sold in the market are not completely environment friendly. It also says that electric vehicles can have more harmful effects on the environment than ICE and hybrid vehicles. The team of research students conducted research on many levels including production, sale and use of ICE, hybrid and electric vehicles and then disclosed it.

Emission of huge amounts of carbon dioxide to generate electricity

The students’ study also indicates that the production, use and scrapping of electric vehicles could result in 10 to 15 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than hybrid and ICE vehicles. The study report said that so-called eco-friendly electric vehicles depend on electrically charged batteries and about 75 percent of the electricity in India is produced by coal-fired plants. The report says that due to uninterrupted production of electricity from coal on a large scale, a large amount of carbon dioxide will be emitted into the atmosphere.

Danger from not disposing of batteries properly

Apart from this, the study also states that lithium is used in the batteries of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are generally considered environmentally friendly, but their batteries can pose a threat to the environment if they are not disposed of properly. Moreover, if mishandled, today’s electric vehicles could become a problem for the future.

Hybrid vehicles emit less greenhouse gases

The study report also states that currently, hybrid vehicles emit the lowest amount of greenhouse gases. However, these vehicles are neither being officially encouraged nor any kind of concessions are being given on them. Therefore such vehicles have gone out of the budget of the common man. The report says that hybrid cars are more expensive than traditional ICE cars. That’s why many people still prefer to buy cars running on petrol and diesel.

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