
Apart from the grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, construction of many places of attraction for the devotees

Ayodhya Development Plan: Apart from the grand temple being built at Shri Ram Janmabhoomi in Ramnagri Ayodhya, many centers of attraction will be prepared for the devotees coming from far and wide. Special care is being taken for worship, rituals, meditation, acquisition of knowledge as well as comfort of the devotees in the seventy acres area of ​​Shri Ram Janmabhoomi pilgrimage area. Work on this will start only after the construction of the main temple is completed. The work of the sanctum sanctorum of the Ram temple being built in an area of ​​54 thousand square feet is almost complete. After the roof of the sanctum sanctorum, now the work of the inner floor is going to start. Ramlala will be consecrated in January next year. Temples will be established at six places in the wall of the temple. After the darshan starts, the process of their construction will be started. The target is to complete all the construction by 2025.

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