
Angered by the death of a girl in MGM, family members beat up the on-duty doctor, OPD closed in protest

Jamshedpur News: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (mgm) An incident of assault has been carried out with Dr. Kamlesh Oraon, a PG medical student cum doctor working in the PICU ward of the Medical College Hospital. The incident happened around 2 o’clock on Monday night. It is alleged that the family members, angry over the death of a five-year-old girl, entered the doctor’s room and attacked him. The doctor was seriously injured in the attack. The video of the incident is viral on social media. On Tuesday, doctors from MGM and other hospitals protested against the attack. In the morning, the main gate of MGM’s OPD building was closed and a protest was held.

What is the demand of doctors?

It is noteworthy that the doctors remained on strike from 9 in the morning to 12.30 in the afternoon. During this, demands were made to arrest those who attacked. A demand was also made to make police pickets in the hospital premises and make concrete security arrangements for the doctors. Due to closure of OPD services, about 900 patients who came for treatment had to return without treatment. On receiving information about the doctors’ strike, SDO Piyush Sinha and Executive Magistrate Sumit Prakash reached the hospital. During talks with the doctors, the SDO assured to arrest the accused within 24 hours. The doctors have lodged a written complaint in this regard at the police station. It has been warned that if the accused are not arrested by Wednesday morning, then all the doctors will stop work and start the movement again. Hospital Superintendent Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Nakul Chaudhary, IMA President Dr. GC Manjhi, Secretary Dr. Saurav Chaudhary were present during the talks between the doctor and the administration.

This was the whole controversy

Devnagar resident Deepak Pradhan along with his five-year old daughter Annu Pradhan reached MGM Hospital for treatment at around 11 am on Monday. During this time the girl was unconscious. When the doctors examined, it was found that the girl had symptoms of brain malaria and suspected dengue. The girl’s blood sugar had reached 42. In view of the serious condition, the girl was admitted to the PICU of the hospital. The girl died at around 1.20 pm on Monday night. After this, many people who came with the girl started questioning the doctor on duty. There was an argument between the family and the doctor for some time. After this his family members attacked the doctor. In this, doctor Dr. Kamlesh Oraon suffered injuries on his head, hands, stomach, back and many other places.

This information has been given in the complaint lodged by the police

It is noteworthy that this case has been registered in Sakchi police station. In the written complaint, it has been stated by the doctor that the condition of Annu Pradhan, who was being treated in the pediatric department, was very serious. The family members were being continuously informed about this. After the death of the girl, 10 to 15 people entered the PICU. These people started abusing and beating. Hit him on the head, chest and hand with the weapon. Due to this, blood started coming out from the head and wrist. Due to which he fell unconscious. Even after this the attackers continued to attack. During this time, the home guards deployed for security were not present on the spot.

Administration assured action

Taking the matter of assault on a doctor in MGM hospital seriously, action is being taken against it. The video of the incident is being investigated. Doctors have demanded opening of police picket in the hospital and providing proper security. This matter has been discussed with IMA officials, Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent. The presence of home guards will be checked during the incident.

– Piyush Sinha, SDO

What do IMA and MGM officials say?

This kind of attack on doctors is a very serious matter. IMA will not tolerate this. If the police do not arrest the culprits by Wednesday morning, IMA will protest along with the doctors.

– Dr. Saurabh Chaudhary, IMA Secretary

It is very wrong to assault doctors like this while on duty in the hospital. Written complaint has been made to the police and SDO. Strict action has been requested against the culprits.

– Dr. Nakul Chaudhary, Deputy Superintendent MGM Hospital

The doctor was assaulted while on duty. It is not acceptable to do this. If this situation continues then doctors will stop treating patients. We are serving the people amidst dengue and malaria infection, but in return we are facing fatal attacks.

– Dr. Umesh Khan, former president IMA

Patients said – doctors are God for us, take action against the culprits

Got leg injury due to fall. On coming to the hospital on Tuesday morning, it was found that the doctor was assaulted, hence the treatment was stopped. Doctors are God for us, action should be taken against those who attack.

– Tulsi Devi

Came in the morning for treatment, but due to doctor’s strike the treatment could not be done. Going back. Hundreds of poor patients are having to bear the brunt of the mistakes of a few people. Doctors should get security.

– Santosh Kumar

MGM had come for treatment. Treatment could not be done due to the doctors’ strike. The people who beat up the doctor at night. Action must be taken against them.

– Renu Devi

Have fever since four days. Can’t walk. Came to MGM for treatment. Treatment was not done due to doctors’ strike. In adverse situations, doctors are the only support, in such a situation the administration should be the first to protect them.

– Vikas Kumar

Here the doctors were protesting, on the other side the woman fell unconscious

Let us tell you that on Tuesday, Mango resident Sunita Jha had come to MGM Hospital for treatment due to her ill health. She was standing in the hospital premises due to the doctors’ strike. A doctors’ strike was going on at some distance. Meanwhile the woman felt dizzy and fell down. After this he was sent on a stretcher to the emergency room for treatment.

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