
Anganwadi workers and pregnant women cheated in Deoghar, thugs have an eye on incentive money

Cyber ​​Fraud in Deoghar: In case of cyber fraud, government employees and government beneficiaries are soft targets of criminals. Many such cases are coming to light these days, in which cyber criminals, posing as senior officials, call Anganwadi workers and pregnant women and cheat them after taking account related information. About 30 Anganwadi workers and pregnant women have given their complaints to Deoghar cyber police station demanding action regarding the matter. However, no FIR action has been taken yet by the cyber police station in any case. The victims are informed by the cyber police station that investigation into their case is ongoing.

They take information by tricking BLO

Cyber ​​criminals call Anganwadi workers working as BLOs by posing as election officers and senior officers. After inquiring about the voter list, they are taking away money from the accounts of the concerned employees by downloading apps like AnyDesk, RusDesk etc. on their mobile phones. After taking account related information on the pretext of sending money, cyber criminals also transfer the money from their account to their Paytm, PhonePe etc.

Burglary in incentive amount also

And in the name of giving incentive amount to pregnant women, by posing as officials or officials of the health department. cyber criminal They call and after taking account related information from them, they are withdrawing the money or even making online purchases with the money from their account. According to information received from sources, till now 30 Anganwadi workers including pregnant women have lodged their complaints at Deoghar cyber police station. Around Rs 1.5 to 2 lakhs have been stolen from their accounts by cyber criminals. Cyber ​​criminals have stolen Rs 3,000 to Rs 50,000 from the accounts of different maids and pregnant women.

Case Study-1

A pregnant woman, on the condition of anonymity, said that a cyber criminal called her about a week ago, posing as an officer. After taking account related information, transferred Rs 4350. When he gave this information to the Anganwadi worker of his area, he was advised not to share anything on mobile with anyone. Although this woman is less educated, that is why she could not lodge a complaint in the cyber police station.

Case Study-2

On September 17, a cyber criminal stole Rs 12,000 from the account of a pregnant woman of Castor Town Bawanbigha. In this regard, the said woman lodged a complaint in the cyber police station and demanded action. Said that the cyber criminal told him on the phone that the government money is not going into his account. After this he sent a request on Google Pay, as soon as he accepted it, Rs 12,000 was deducted from his account. After this a request of Rs 16000 was also sent, but asked him from where he was calling. On that the cyber criminal said that he was calling from Sadar Hospital. After this, when the woman’s husband reached Sadar Hospital and called her, he asked how come you came to Sadar Hospital immediately. On this the woman’s husband said that if the money has been stolen then why would they not search for it. After this he started talking about returning the money.

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