
Anand Mahindra gave job offer to Alexa Girl

Anand Mahindra Offers Job To Girl: Nikita, who saved herself and her younger sister from a monkey attack with the help of Alexa, is in the news everywhere. This girl, resident of Basti district of Uttar Pradesh, has now been offered a job by Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra. Nikita is 13 years old and with her wisdom and courage, she used Amazon’s virtual voice assistant Alexa to scare away a group of monkeys from her house.

Alexa saved the lives of innocent girls from a group of monkeys, the user’s wisdom came in handy

Alexa was given the command to make the sound of a dog, monkeys got scared and ran away

According to media reports, Nikita ordered Alexa to bark like a dog to scare away the monkey that had entered his sister’s room. This trick of the girl worked and by doing so the girl saved herself and her sister from the monkey attack.

Anand Mahindra was impressed by the wisdom of the girl

Mahindra Group chairperson Anand Mahindra has been impressed by this wisdom of the girl. Anand Mahindra wrote about this on his official X handle that the main question of our time is whether we will become slaves or masters of technology. He further said that the story of this girl assures that technology will always be helpful in promoting human talent. His quick thinking was extraordinary. What this girl demonstrated was the ability to lead in a completely unpredictable world. Anand Mahindra also wrote that after completing her education, if she ever wants to work in the corporate world, then I hope that at Mahindra Rise we will be able to convince her to join us.

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