
An attempt was made to burn the entire family alive in Bhagalpur, they poured petrol and set it on fire while they were sleeping, four people got burnt.

A heart-wrenching incident has come to light from Bhagalpur district. Where an attempt has been made to burn an entire family alive. The accused poured petrol on four people of the same family and set them on fire while they were sleeping. In this incident, Dada Vidyanand and his three granddaughters were badly burnt. There was chaos after this incident. All the injured were sent to the hospital for treatment. The incident took place in Murali village under Rangra OP of Navgachia police district.

Injured were referred to Bokaro

In this incident, four people including Dada Vidyanand, his granddaughter Aarti Kumari, Bharti Kumari, Bhavana Kumari were seriously burnt, who were treated at Mayaganj Hospital, from where they have been referred to Bokaro for better treatment. The condition of all four is said to be serious. After receiving information about the incident, police reached the spot and investigated. Petrol in many bottles has been recovered from the spot.

set fire by pouring petrol

It is being told about the incident that everyone in the house was sleeping. Meanwhile, the accused poured petrol on the sleeping people and set them on fire. After the noise, other people of the house and nearby people gathered and controlled the fire. After which the local people hurriedly admitted the injured to Navgachia Sub-Divisional Hospital, from where they were referred to Mayaganj. From where he was referred to Bokaro for better treatment.

set fire at 2 o’clock in the night

It is being told about the incident that the people of the village itself have carried out this incident. However, the names of the accused have not been revealed yet. It is being told that an attempt to murder was made due to a mutual dispute. At around 2 o’clock on Thursday night, the accused from the same village sprinkled petrol on the sleeping Vidyanand Singh and his three granddaughters and set them on fire.

This type of incident has happened before too

Lal Muni Singh, the family of the injured, said that the accident happened at 2 o’clock in the night when we were sleeping in the house. When there was commotion, my wife and I came running. When a child burnt by fire was thrown into water, he was saved. Meanwhile, three girls and one Vidyanand Singh have been injured. I don’t doubt anyone. This type of incident has happened before also.

What did the family say?

Yogesh Kumar Singh, the family member of the injured, told that we live in Katihar, we got a call at 3.30 that something like this had happened and we took the train from Katihar at 4.30 and came home. By then everyone had been taken to the hospital. Everyone was taken to Mayaganj Hospital and from there he was referred to Bokaro.

What did SP say?

Navgachia SP Puran Kumar Jha said that when we reached the spot, we were told that at around 4 o’clock someone had set fire and in the process 4 people got burnt. Further action is being taken in the matter. Family members were not present due to which no one could tell whether there was any mutual dispute or land dispute. No application has been received yet in this matter.

Report – Anjani Kumar Kashyap

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