
Amit Shah lashed out at the Congress over the Sengol dispute, why so much hatred for its civilization and traditions?


new parliament building Controversy has now started regarding establishing Sengol as a symbol of transfer of power. Home Minister Amit shah Sometime back, he has tweeted saying that he does not know why the Congress party hates Indian civilization and culture. Sengol was given to Pandit Nehru as a symbol of freedom by a Shaivite monastery in Tamil Nadu, but the party sidestepped it by sending it to a museum. Now the party is saying that there is no evidence that Sengol was given to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as a transfer of power at the time of independence.

Congress is telling history a liar

Amit Shah has tweeted that a holy Shaivite monastery itself spoke about the importance of Sengol at the time of India’s independence. Congress is telling the history of Adhinam as false, Congress is insulting its culture, so they need to brainstorm about their behavior. Significantly, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh had said on Thursday that there is no evidence that Sengol was handed over to Pandit Nehru as part of the transfer of power. Jairam Ramesh yesterday accused Narendra Modi and his government of using Sengol for their political gains.

Inauguration of the new Parliament House on 28 May

It may be known that on May 28, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to inaugurate the new building of Parliament. Sengol will be established near the seat of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. Sengol dates back to the Chola Empire, where it was given as a symbol of the transfer of power. Controversy is going on in the country regarding the inauguration of the new Parliament building. The demand of the opposition is that the President should inaugurate the new Parliament House while the Prime Minister is inaugurating this building, due to which the opposition is boycotting this program.


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