
All the opposition are making false promises to the public to get power: Dr. Lois Marandi

Pakur. The assembly level organizational meeting of BJP was held in a hotel in the city under the chairmanship of District President Amrit Pandey. Former minister cum BJP state vice president Dr. Lois Marandi attended the meeting. Dr. Marandi said that BJP is working under the Constitution of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar to send all the corrupt people to jail. Said that it has been resolved to return the money looted by the corrupt to the people of the country and to make a developed India by developing tribals, poor, farmers, youth, women etc. Today all the opposition have united and are working day and night only to serve their own interests. To get the throne, they are engaged day and night in spreading false propaganda, populism and making false promises everywhere. Said that the actions and condition of the opposition are not hidden from anyone today. The people of the country once again want a Modi government with a majority of 400. All of you workers should go from door to door with full confidence and present the thoughts and works of Modi. Said that this time under the leadership of BJP candidate Tala Marandi, lotus will bloom in Rajmahal Lok Sabha constituency also. Former MLA Veni Prasad Gupta, State Working Committee member Meera Praveen Singh, Anugrahit Prasad Sah, Kamal Krishna Bhagat, Hisabi Rai, Dharmendra Trivedi, Dilip Singh, Vivekanand Tiwari, Balram Dubey, Sharmila Rajak etc. were present on the occasion.

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