
All Go First flights canceled till May 5, passengers upset, no one is giving correct information even at the airport


Go First Crisis: Airlines company Go First Airline is on the verge of bankruptcy. The company has canceled all its flights from 3 to 5 May 2023. Due to which the problems of the passengers have increased. GoFirst passengers looked dejected at the airport. Here, the company has applied for Voluntary Insolvency Proceeding in NCLT.

Go First’s earnings have been continuously decreasing

The company has said that it does not have the money to pay the dues of the oil companies. After this, the airlines have decided to temporarily cancel all their flights for 3, 4 and 5 May 2023. Airlines have not been able to operate their entire aircraft due to disruption in the supply of aircraft engines. Due to not having enough aircraft, the earnings of the aviation sector have decreased rapidly. Which has directly affected the funds of the airlines.

DGCA sent notice to Go First

DGCA has sent a notice to GoFirst on stopping the airline and has sought a response from the airline company within 24 hours. At the same time, Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that efforts will be made to save the airline. He said that GoFirst is facing problems related to engine supply. In this matter, the government has been helping the airline in every possible way. At the same time, GoFirst said that if P&W completes the engine supply, then the airline will again return to its full operations by August-September 2023.

SpiceJet took a big decision

Amidst all this, taking the right advantage of the opportunity, the airlines company SpiceJet has taken a big decision. SpiceJet has decided to restart its 25 aircraft. Spice Jet has taken this big decision amid reports of GoFirst flight disruption. According to the information, the airline company SpiceJet is planning to restart 25 grounded aircraft. These aircraft of SpiceJet are out of service planes. It is being told that with the help of the government, SpiceJet is preparing to fly its standing planes again. Re-starting these closed large aircraft is expected to boost the airline’s revenue.

Know why GoFirst went bankrupt

Airlines facing cash crunch have blamed the American engine company for this. The airline said 50 per cent of its fleet was grounded as it did not receive the engines it ordered from US firm Pratt & Whitney. The airline company cited the reason for the disruption in the supply of engines and the failing engines. GoFirst Airline said that there were continuous problems with the supply of P&W International Aero Engines from America. The airline said engine company P&W was asked to deliver at least 10 spare leased engines and 10 more engines by April 27, 2023, but P&W did not comply with the order. Which has affected his earnings.


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