
Aligarh’s soil gets depleted of nutrients due to chemical fertilizers, fossil carbon reaches less than 0.50

Aligarh: Soil health is continuously deteriorating due to indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers. Fossil carbon in healthy soil should be 0.75 but due to excessive use of chemicals in the fields of Aligarh its quantity is less than 0.50. Soil testing or land testing in agriculture is the chemical examination of soil samples. Which gives information about the amount of nutrients available in the soil. The purpose of this test is to measure the fertility of the land and to find out which elements are lacking in that land. Plants require 16 nutrients to complete their life cycle, including major nutrients – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, micronutrients – calcium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron, copper, boron, manganese, molybdenum. , Requires chlorine.

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