
Aligarh: Wife murdered by slitting her throat on suspicion of illicit relations, accused husband absconding

Aligarh: The husband killed his wife with a sharp weapon and locked the body in the room and fled from the spot. When the daughter came to see her mother, she saw her dead body. His throat was slit. It is being told that the woman was murdered due to illicit relations. The police has sent the body for post-mortem. SP City said that a case will be registered on the basis of the complaint of the family members, the deceased also has two children. The incident took place in Nagla Ashiq Ali of Kotwali police station area. The accused is absconding.

Sent daughter to the terrace at the time of the incident

Shakira was married to Raju, who lives in Nagla Ashiq Ali, 10 years ago; they both have two children. At the same time, husband Raju used to doubt his wife. It is being told that before the incident, the daughter was sent to the terrace to cut chillies, during which Raju and Shakira were locked in the room and arguing. Hearing the loud crying of the younger brother, the daughter came down and found her mother’s throat cut, her breathing had stopped. The daughter told that he suspected her of having an affair with her uncle. Due to which both husband and wife often had disputes. It is being told that Shakira had gone to her maternal home a few days ago after getting angry with her husband’s assault. Two-six days ago, the in-laws had brought Shakira back apologizing. But this domestic dispute did not stop, on Wednesday Raju murdered his wife Shakira by slitting her throat and ran away.

Police started searching for the accused

Regarding this incident, SP City Mrigank Shekhar Pathak said that the police had received information from Nagla Ashiq Ali located at Bhujpura outpost of Kotwali police station that a woman named Shakira had been murdered. Police force immediately reached the spot. The body has been sent for post-mortem. At the same time, complaints are being taken from family members for action. A case will be registered in the police station under relevant sections. He said that prima facie investigation is revealing a dispute between husband and wife. Due to domestic dispute, the husband has killed his wife. The accused will be arrested soon. SP City told that the kind of injuries were found on the body. The murder was done with a sharp weapon.

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