
Aligarh: Preparations in full swing for the program of Home Minister Amit Shah, waterproof pandal being built in the exhibition

Aligarh : On the second death anniversary of former CM Kalyan Singh, a tribute meeting will be organized at the exhibition ground in Aligarh. Union Home Minister Amit Shah is the chief guest of this program and CM Yogi will be present with him. Along with this, various state and country level ministers and office bearers of organizations are also going to participate in this program.

Due to which the administration is busy in making all the arrangements chalk. So that there is no shortage during the VVIP program. BJP is celebrating the death anniversary of the former CM, who was an important warrior for the construction of Ram temple, as Hindu Pride Day, in which veterans of the central and state government will participate.

A program of tribute meeting will be organized at the exhibition ground in Aligarh, for which a pandal and a grand stage are being prepared in the ground. In view of the month of Sawan, the stage is being prepared in a completely waterproof manner, so that if it rains, there is no disturbance in the programme.

Various police administration officials including DIG Shalabh Mathur, DM Indra Vikram Singh, SSP Kalanidhi Naithani are camping at the exhibition ground since morning and are getting all the work done under their supervision. So that there is no shortcoming in the program. Along with the stage, helipad and special rest room are also being prepared in the ground, in which the guests will be able to rest.

Exhibition ground being repaired

While the city is being completely beautified, on the other hand, the dilapidated gates and walls of the exhibition ground are also being repaired. Due to which all the arrangements were seen properly during the VVIP program. The Municipal Corporation has also deployed its team of officers and employees.

Municipal Commissioner Amit Aseri said that in order to improve the arrangements of the city, the Municipal Corporation has created 8 sectors and has appointed sector in-charges in all the sectors. So that all the arrangements from potholes to cleanliness on the VVIP route can be rectified in time. Two nodal officers have been appointed for this supervision, who are keeping an eye on all the activities.

DM Indra Vikram Singh said that the security force will be deployed everywhere around the venue and the exhibition ground. No person will be able to enter the program without a valid pass. For this, passes are being issued by the competent authorities. The person will be given entry only after checking during the program. Along with this, there will be a ban on bringing any kind of deadly weapon, firearms, sticks, knives or inflammable substances in the program. The program venue has been kept a no fly zone, in any case there will be a complete ban on flying drones.

The District Magistrate further told that a large number of people’s representatives and party officials from nearby districts would also come in the programme. 8 places have been identified for parking of vehicles. The normal traffic of the city should not be affected. Extensive arrangements have been made for this. On the other hand, Senior Superintendent of Police Kalanidhi Naithani told that for the success of the program, duties have been imposed according to the protocol.

He told that all types of weapons have been banned during the program from the point of view of security, in such a way the public representatives should not bring the gunner along with them at the venue. He said that in the month of Shravan, on Monday, a group of Kanwariyas would leave for Jalabhishek only on Sunday night. In such a situation, their safety and traffic arrangements should also be taken care of properly.

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