
Aligarh: People gathered for the last darshan of martyr Sachin, government will provide financial assistance of Rs 50 lakh to the family.

Paratrooper Sachin Laur of Aligarh was martyred in an encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. Martyr Sachin’s mortal remains were brought from Agra to Aligarh by road. Since noon, the youth of the village gathered near Tappal Interchange with the tricolor in their hands and kept waiting for the arrival of the brave son. When the army vehicle carrying Sachin reached Tappal, a crowd of hundreds of vehicles followed it. Sachin’s mortal remains reached Jattari at around 6:15 pm. After which the army vehicle turned towards Sachin’s village from Jartauli turn. As soon as he came inside from Jartauli, people started showering flowers on Sachin from the rooftops and everyone was paying tribute to him. At around 7:20 pm, Sachin’s mortal remains were brought inside his house, where women had the last darshan of the immortal martyr. Sachin’s mortal remains were kept at his ancestral house for about half an hour for the last darshan. Where the family and village women had their last darshan and paid humble tribute to him.

At 7:50 pm, the army soldiers started to take Sachin’s body to the cremation site. With full respect the immortal soldier was taken to the cremation ground built in his own field. Thousands of people from nearby villages and areas reached the funeral site to bid their last farewell to Sachin. First the army soldiers and officers offered him flower garlands. After which the police and administration officials paid tribute to the martyr. Uttar Pradesh’s Sugarcane Development Minister and district in-charge Chaudhary Lakshmi Narayan also reached Aligarh to pay tribute to immortal martyr Sachin Laur. Seeing the martyr, tears welled up in the eyes of the minister in charge. During this, he said that an approval letter has been given to the Uttar Pradesh government, in which Rs 50 lakh will be credited to the account of the martyr’s parents. One person will be given a job by the Uttar Pradesh government. Along with this, the public representatives have promised to build a gate in the name of the martyr.

At the same time, Minister of State Anoop Valmiki has also asked to contribute in the name of the martyr. He said that through this his memory will always remain, so that the youth can continue to get inspiration in the future. He said that this is a sad time and no one can compensate for it for parents, brothers and sisters. He called it an act of pride. He said that a person has become not only the heritage of the family but also the heritage of the entire country. This is a matter of pride.

Youth will get inspiration from martyr Sachin

He said that if the enemy’s bullet hits his back, it is said that he would be afraid of dying, but Sachin was shot in his chest and he sacrificed his life laughingly for the country, although the minister during his statement said that he was martyred. Even the name was wrong. He said that this is a source of inspiration for the youth. The same minister in-charge arrived one and a half hour late during the last journey of the martyr. Martyr Sachin’s family had to wait for the last rites. Similarly, Sachin Sachin was given a final farewell with military honours. Martyr’s brother Vivek Laur lit the funeral pyre.

Neighboring country encourages terrorism

Yogi government minister Chaudhary Narayan said that it is definitely our neighboring country. He keeps carrying out terrorist incidents, but our Prime Minister is against Pakistan and Hamas. Certainly, to end terrorism fundamentally, India is with the countries of the whole world which are against terrorism.

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