
Aligarh – House collapses due to heavy rain, woman dies, two children pulled out from the debris, search for one continues

Aligarh : The house collapsed due to heavy rain. In which 4 people including mother and daughter got buried. The woman died. Three boys and two girls have been taken out and admitted to the district hospital. The search for the third child continues. Along with the police force, the municipal team is also engaged in relief rescue. The incident is of Mahfuz Nagar street number 5 of Roravar police station area. Due to rain water entering the houses in this area, water went into the foundation and the house collapsed. The adjacent houses are also at risk.

Water entered the basement of the house, mother buried with three daughters

It rained all day on Sunday. Due to lack of drainage of rain water, the basements of the houses were filled with water. The basement of Rizwan’s house was also flooded. The house collapsed due to non-availability of water and heavy rains. Four people including mother and daughter went. The local people launched a rescue operation. Police and municipal officials also reached the spot. The woman was taken out of the debris and sent to District Malkhan Singh Hospital. But he had already died. Two girls Zoya and Sanam were taken out from the debris. Both have been sent to the hospital. The rescue operation of the third girl is going on.

crowd at the scene

House collapsed due to drains

Altamas, who is related to the family, told that the house collapsed due to rain. In which 4 people were buried, the woman died. The same three girls were buried, two were taken out. The search for one continues. It is being told that due to heavy rains and water filling in the basement, the house sank into the ground. The roof collapsed. Local resident Rais told that the drains are square. The rain water does not get out. Water goes to the basement in the house. The basement of Rizwan’s house was filled with rain water. The roof collapsed due to the collapse of the basement wall. In which wife was cooking. There were also children with them. Got buried by falling roof. The woman died.

Children admitted to hospital, relief rescue continues: SSP

Rais told that the incident took place due to the negligence of the Municipal Corporation. The drain is not cleaned due to which water fills the houses. Local resident Sabir told that rain water entered the house. Due to which the house fell. However, immediate rescue is being done by the police and Namag Nigam who reached the information. It has been told by SSP Kalanidhi Naithani that the injured children have been admitted to the hospital for treatment. There the rescue work is going on.

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