
Aligarh: History-sheeter returning from the hotel’s inauguration program was shot dead, there was a dispute in the ceremony

Aligarh : A history-sheeter was shot dead late night in Aligarh. The incident took place after the inauguration of a restaurant located in Khereshwar Chikavati of Thana Lodha area. It is being told that the history-sheeter had a dispute with some people on the occasion of the inauguration of the hotel. After this dispute, the attackers chased the history-sheeter and shot him dead. The incident took place near Reliance Petrol Pump located on the highway of Gabhana area.

In fact, late night history sheeter Bholu Thakur went with his friend to inaugurate a hotel in Chikavati area of ​​Lodha area. During this, Bholu Thakur had a dispute with Pankaj. Many VIPs also participated in this program. Bholu Thakur was thrashed and the glasses of the car were broken in the program. However, the people present here intervened and asked the program to go home.

bike riders shot

During this, Bholu Thakur along with his friend Sunil was returning home via Gabhana-Barauli road. At the same time, while chasing them near the petrol pump on the midnight highway, the bike riders surrounded them near the Reliance petrol pump and shot them. The bullet came out crossing the shoulder. Due to the noise, the people around reached, although at first people thought that there was a road accident and called an ambulance on the spot. But in the investigation of the police, it was found that Bholu Thakur was shot.

There was a dispute in the inauguration program

Jurisdictionary Gabhana Suman Kanojia told that a young man was shot dead near Kanoi of Gabhana police station. In the investigation, it was found that there was a program of inauguration of a hotel in Thana Lodha area. During this, the deceased Bholu Thakur had a dispute with a person named Pankaj. After the same dispute, this incident was carried out. Three-four days before this incident, the deceased had a dispute with Pankaj.

Police took Sunil into custody

At the same time, the deceased is a history sheeter from Thana Jawa area. The criminal history of the deceased is being probed. Police jurisdictional officer Suman Kanojia told that as soon as the family receives the Tahrir, legal action will be implemented by registering the case. During this, after taking information from Bholu Thakur’s companion Sunil, he could not tell anything about the incident. Police is interrogating Sunil in custody. The same dead body of Bholu Thakur has been sent for postmortem.

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