
Aligarh: Five patients of Corona were confirmed in the district, CMO said – Mockdrill will be held on April 10 and 11


Aligarh : Corona patients are increasing in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. On Thursday, the CMO has confirmed 5 patients of Corona. Although the patients have been kept in home isolation. Along with this, the people who came in contact with the patients are also being tested. Aligarh’s Chief Medical Officer Neeraj Tyagi said that the preparation of hospitals at the government level has been completed to fight Corona. He further said that testing, tracing and tracking regarding Kovid is active. Integrated Kovid-19 Command Center has been created. The hospital premises is ready to deal with any emergent situation. He told that people are being asked to maintain social distance, hygiene and wear masks. Along with this, it has been advised to get tested if symptoms of Kovid appear.

CMO should say – there will be mockdrill in the district regarding Corona

The CMO told that the symptoms which are visible in Kovid-19 at this time are fever, body pain, pain in the eyes and fatigue. Which usually occur in viral diseases. He told that the symptoms that are being received now are of mild to moderate category. The patient will feel completely healthy only after eating the normal medicine kit. Mockdrill is being organized in the district on April 10 and 11 regarding Corona. He said that the forecast of Kovid-19 will be reviewed. He further informed that there are 47 ventilators in the government hospital and all will be made functional if required. At the same time, the oxygen plant, ventilator and oxygen concentrator have been kept functional. He said that all our resources are completely correct. Will be put into practice if needed.

CMS Anupam Bhaskar says – People are being made aware about Corona

Anupam Bhaskar, CMS of Deendayal Upadhyay Hospital, told that awareness is being increased among the people regarding Corona. Whatever patient is coming. He is being asked to keep distance. Also, it is being advised to wear a mask. So that it can be saved. He said that the person who has been vaccinated. He is in the rescue category. Apart from this, if someone has cough, cold, then he should get the corona checked. He told that 48 ventilators are ready in Deendayal Hospital. That is 106 oxygen concentrators. There are four oxygen plants which are working regularly. 10 ICU beds have been reserved for seriously ill patients. Along with this, the duties of the employees have also been fixed according to the roster.

Report- Alok Singh, Aligarh


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