
Aligarh: Chairman of Child Protection Commission said – there should be no child labor anywhere, labor department should strictly follow the law.

Aligarh: A meeting was held with departmental officers related to child protection in the Circuit House Auditorium on Friday under the chairmanship of Dr. Devendra Sharma, Chairman of the State Child Protection Commission. The Chairman of the State Child Protection Commission said that the officers should discharge social responsibilities along with government responsibilities. Today’s youth, knowingly or unknowingly or inspired by someone else, get addicted to drugs and not only spoil their future, they also put their relatives and friends in trouble. When small children become addicted to drugs, the smile on their faces disappears. We all have to make meaningful efforts to bring back the lost smiles of these children. Our youth are the future of the country, it is in the national interest to keep them away from drug addiction. He demanded closure of hookah bars operating in the metropolis, strict compliance with the Child Labor Act, installation of CCTV cameras at medical stores, complete ban on Kuttu, sale of intoxicating products within a radius of 100 meters of the school. Instructions have been given to ban.

State government is taking care of destitute children

The Chairman of the State Child Protection Commission said that the state government is sensitive towards the problems of children, youth, women and their future. During the Corona period, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has run two special schemes and is providing financial assistance every month to the destitute children. Girls are being benefited by running Kanya Sumangala Yojana to provide them higher education from birth. Under the Kayakalp scheme, schools are being renovated to create a better learning environment.

There should be no child labor anywhere

During the review, Dr. Devendra Sharma directed Assistant Labor Commissioner Sher Singh that there should be no child labor anywhere. Carry out raids from time to time after receiving confidential information. If child labor is detected anywhere, action should be taken against the culprit and the children should be rehabilitated. As many eligible persons as possible should be benefited from the e-Shram Scheme. District Probation Officer Smita Singh said that under the Chief Minister Child Service Scheme, financial assistance of Rs 4000 is being given to 357 children and under the General Child Service Scheme, financial assistance of Rs 2500 is being given to 497 children. Apart from providing laptops to 57 children, 15 children have also been benefited from PM Care Fund. Under Rani Laxmibai Yojana, the victim is being provided financial assistance up to Rs 5 lakh as well as free legal aid. 21537 girls have been registered in Kanya Sumangala Yojana, work is in progress.

Form Sentinel Club in schools

Dr. Devendra Sharma directed the DIOS to organize a conference of the Old Students Council and Parents Association in the schools, due to which many problems of the school can be solved. He also talked about forming sentinel clubs in schools. BSA has been instructed to ensure compliance with RTE. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Devendra Sharma has also given instructions for wide publicity through pamphlets and wall writing with the aim of fighting social evils like child labour, child marriage, child beggary, drug addiction and malnutrition and creating awareness.

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