
Air pollution in Delhi: All schools closed in Delhi till November 18, government cited IMD’s alert.

Air pollution in Delhi school closed : In view of the serious situation of air pollution in Delhi, the Delhi government has issued an order to give early winter holidays in schools. Delhi government has ordered school managements to give winter vacation in schools from 9th to 18th November.

Meteorological Department expressed fear of serious situation

In the order issued by Education Director Himanshu Gupta, it has been said that the school management should inform the parents of the children about this as soon as possible. It has also been said in the order of the Education Department that the decision on when to schedule the remaining days of winter vacation will be taken later. At present the situation of air pollution in Delhi is very bad, hence orders have been given to keep schools completely closed. Neither children nor teachers will come to schools. It has also been mentioned in the order that the Meteorological Department has expressed apprehension that the situation of air pollution in Delhi may worsen further. It is noteworthy that as the winter has progressed, the AQI in Delhi has reached close to 400, which is an indicator of a very serious situation.

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