
Air becomes poisonous in Delhi, AQI reaches 306, Delhi Environment Minister calls meeting at 12 noon

Rahul Kundra, a cyclist at Indian Gate, says: “Right now we are feeling the pollution a little because we cycle every day. It will increase a little more in a few days. At that time the pollution situation will become clearly visible. At that time we stop cycling. A cyclist spoke about the rising temperature in Delhi this morning. Today AQI in Delhi reached 306 which indicates ‘very poor’ level of air quality.

Particulate matter now closer to the ground

On the increasing pollution in Delhi, Environment Minister Gopal Rai said that the cold has started increasing in Delhi and the wind speed has reduced, this may increase the pollution. Particulate matter is now staying closer to the ground, due to which pollution is increasing. The second phase of GRAP has been implemented in Delhi. For this, a meeting of the concerned departments has been called. Minister Gopal Rai said that the weather is not in our hands but there is a need to control the sources.

action on stubble burning

Under GRAP 2, mainly cleaning and water sprinkling work will be done. A meeting has been organized today at 12 o’clock. We have spoken to environment ministers of nearby states and they have assured that they will take action on stubble burning. The next 10 to 15 days are very important for Delhi due to Diwali, Parali and Dussehra. It is very important to stop pollution so that health is minimally affected.

Most polluted city of Greater Noida NCR

The air in the National Capital Region (NCR) has reached poor condition. On Monday, Greater Noida was the most polluted city in the National Capital Region, while Delhi remained at second place. This information is given in the data of Air Pollution Index app. According to air pollution index app Sameer, the air quality index of Greater Noida was recorded at 325 on Monday. According to the data, the air quality index was recorded at 310 in the national capital Delhi, 260 in Ghaziabad and 275 in Noida.

Air quality index of Faridabad 267

According to this, the air quality index of Faridabad has been recorded at 267, the index of Gurugram has been recorded at 216 and the index of Bahadurgarh has been recorded at 275. It said that on Sunday the index was recorded at 354 in Greater Noida, 322 in Faridabad, 313 in Delhi and 304 in Noida.

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