
AI has changed technology a lot, but it is still difficult to break human skills, read this interesting survey report

Artificial Intelligence Vs Human Skill: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is spreading its wings rapidly. It is rapidly taking over every area. Due to this, there is going to be a big crisis on jobs in the future. It is being said that if you know the use of AI then you will be able to secure your job. But can Artificial Intelligence really replace human intelligence? Due to the unprecedented growth in new products in the technology sector due to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Technology (IT) departments are facing problems in finding skilled talent. This claim has been made in a survey finding.

Workforce needs training

Releasing the results of the ‘IT Skills and Salary Survey, 2023’, education-technology company Skillsoft has said that IT departments are facing problems in finding talent according to their needs in view of AI bottlenecks. One in three IT leaders surveyed are having difficulty finding qualified talent. Orla Daly, chief information officer of Skillsoft, said AI has driven unprecedented speed of disruption, but it has also exposed the need for workforce training. Organizations are at a stage where they need to be deliberate and proactive about building skills and capabilities. If this does not happen, there is a risk of them being left behind in the era of AI.

Opportunity for career advancement

This survey is based on responses received from more than 5,700 professionals, including IT sector employees and company heads. About 82 percent of IT professionals said that training is very important to their career and lack of opportunities for career development was a major factor in changing jobs in the last year. According to the survey, hard or technical skills have traditionally been prioritized in the IT industry, while soft skills may be sidelined, despite being essential in adopting and advancing transformative technologies like generative AI.

power skill needed

IT professionals believe that team communication (40 percent), interpersonal communication (21 percent) and emotional intelligence (13 percent) are the three most important skills for an IT leader. In contrast, only six percent of IT leaders said leadership skills will be a key area of ​​investment going forward and only seven percent shared the same opinion about power skills. According to the survey, 72 percent of IT leaders rate the leadership skills of their existing teams as moderate to low. Thus, there is a huge gap between training needs and priorities in this important area.

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