
Agra: Timardars waiting in line for two hours for medicine in the district hospital, suffering from heat and crowd

Agra: Timardars and patients appeared upset for a long time to take medicines in the district hospital. Due to the scorching heat and heavy crowd, the fans installed in the medicine distribution room also failed. People were in bad condition due to sweating. Women and men who had prescriptions in their hands. They were engaged in blowing air by making him a fan.

On the other hand, women alleged that a line at the medicine counter has been closed unnecessarily. Because of which it has been almost one and a half to two hours standing in the line here. But no hearing is taking place. The women standing in the line were also seen cursing the government machinery. However, on complaining, the closed counter was re-opened.

Administrative arrangements failed in the district hospital

Hundreds of patients come to Agra’s district hospital every day to take medicines, but the administrative arrangements of the district hospital have failed to such an extent that women have to stand in line for two hours for medicines. Due to the scorching heat from above, even the fans installed in the medicine distribution room are not able to make the attendants feel cool.

A woman named Sangeeta, who came from Malpura to take medicine, told that there are 3 lines at the women’s counter, all three counters were operational earlier but one counter has been closed for about 1 hour. In such a situation, we are standing in line waiting for 2 hours to take medicine. The reason for the closure of the counter was also asked but no answer is being received.

Timardar Reena, who came from Shahganj to get medicine for her child, told that we have been standing in the line for one and a half hours, sometimes the counter closes and sometimes it starts. Don’t know what is happening. Due to the scorching heat, the fans installed in the hall have also failed. We have to bear the brunt of the negligence of the doctors. A stretcher has to be arranged for any serious patient coming from outside in front of the diagnostic center of the district hospital. So that as soon as a serious patient arrives, he can be taken to the concerned department by lying on a stretcher. But neither a stretcher nor any health worker is present there to check the status quo. While two wheelers are parked at that place.

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