
Agra News: PWD employee dies due to lack of treatment, salary not received for 5 months, know the whole matter

Due to the account of the Public Works Department being attached in Agra, the employees posted here have not received their salaries for the last 5 months. In such a situation, he is faced with the problem of running his family. A watchman posted in the department died due to lack of treatment due to financial constraints. 55-year-old Ramnath, resident of Tedhi Bagiya, was posted as a watchman in PWD. According to the information given by Ramnath’s son Moolchand, there are nine members in the family. The father used to get a salary of around Rs 40,000 per month. The son told that he was married. He also has two children. He works in a shoe factory for Rs 10,000. He has younger brothers and sisters, whose education was borne by his father’s salary. But about 6 months ago his father was injured in a road accident. Due to which a lot of money was spent on his treatment. After some time, when he recovered from the financial crisis, the infection spread in his father’s liver and lungs. In such a situation, he was undergoing treatment in a private hospital in Agra for 3 months.

mortgaged the jewelery of the house

Ramnath’s son told that due to lack of money, he mortgaged the jewelery of his mother and wife. After this, Rs 200,000 was received on interest. But that money was also spent on treatment. Now he had no money at all for treatment. No one even gave him a loan. In such a situation, due to lack of money, he could not get his father treated. Due to which his father died. Baby, wife of the deceased employee Ramnath, told that what is the benefit of such a government job and did not get salary for 5 months. There was financial crisis in the house even during the festival of Diwali. All the money that was there was spent on treatment. Now there is a situation of starvation in the house. There is also protest among PWD employees due to the death of the employee.

Anger among PWD workers due to employee’s death

Employee organizations held a meeting at the PWD office on Thursday, in which employee leader Omvir Sharma said that the employees facing financial crisis had boycotted work indefinitely. Then an assurance was given that the salary would be received in 10 to 12 days, but till now not a single rupee has been received. Omvir Sharma, Regional General Secretary of Public Works Department Joint Employees Welfare Association, said that on the orders of the Commercial Court, the bank account of PWD has been attached since July. Due to this, salary, medical reimbursement and other payments have stopped. In such a situation, the dependent elderly parents, children and other relatives of the employees are worried. Children’s school fees are not being deposited and employees are not able to treat their elderly parents. If the situation continues like this then there may be more crisis in future.

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