
Agra News: Neighboring youth brutalized an 11 year old girl, accused absconding

Agra. A case of brutality with a minor girl by a neighboring youth has come to light in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The young man had seduced the girl and taken her with him. Did bad things to her in the empty house. After this he left the girl and ran away. The family members came to know about the incident after seeing the girl’s clothes stained with blood. The family took him to the police station. Police have registered a case against Tahrir. The accused is being searched. The matter is of police station Etmaddaula area. On Wednesday, around 1.30 pm, an 11-year-old girl had gone from her home to the shop to buy goods. There the accused Pradeep saw the girl and coaxed her and took her with him to a nearby empty house. There he raped the girl. After this he ran away leaving the girl there. After a long time the girl reached her home crying. When the family members saw at home, his clothes were stained with blood.

The girl was admitted to the hospital

The girl told the entire incident to the family. The family members took the girl to the police station. Police have registered a case against Tahrir. ACP Chhatta RK Singh said that the accused youth lived at his relative’s house. He is absconding since the incident. He will be arrested soon. The girl’s condition worsened due to excessive bleeding. The family took him to SN Medical College. The girl has been admitted. He has been given a blood transfusion. The girl’s condition is improving from before.

An incident of rape with a woman took place in a home stay.

Let us tell you that earlier an incident of gang rape of a woman had come to light in the home stay of Tajganj area in Agra. Which is still under discussion. And the police is continuously taking action in this matter. On the other hand, this incident of rape of an 11 year old girl was committed by a person on Wednesday.

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