
Agra News: Emergency ward made in SN Medical College for respiratory patients, doctors deployed 24 hours

Agra News: People are facing a lot of problems due to air pollution in Agra. The situation has become worse due to smoke from bombs and firecrackers on Diwali. The problems of patients suffering from respiratory diseases have increased. Keeping in mind the problems of the people, a special ward of 10 beds has been prepared in the TB and Chest Department of SN Medical College. Where doctors have been deployed 24 hours. Patients suffering from asthma attack, breathlessness, nervousness and restlessness can be admitted here. And complete arrangements have been made to deal with any unexpected problem. Recently, smog had become very high in the city due to air pollution. AQI was also continuously increasing and had reached a dangerous situation. Due to this, patients suffering from respiratory diseases were facing a lot of trouble. People were reaching the OPD of the Chest and TB Department of the Medical College with problems like chest tightness, black mucus, suffocation, difficulty in breathing etc. At that time the OPD which normally had 130 patients had become 250. After this, after light rain, the situation improved. Now after the fireworks on Diwali, the situation has once again become worrying.

Asthma-TB patients face more problems

HOD of the department, Dr. GV Singh said that the smoke in the atmosphere on Diwali increases the problems of patients suffering from asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), TB. Along with difficulty in breathing, there is nervousness and restlessness. A special ward of 10 beds has been made in Agra only for such patients. Doctors are deployed here 24 hours a day.

Take care of respiratory patients

People who have respiratory diseases should take special care during this season. Keep wearing a mask. Children who have allergies should be especially careful. Avoid going out in the morning and evening, when the weather is hazy due to pollution. Take medicines on time and contact the doctor immediately if needed.

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