
Agra: LIU failed in front of the intelligence system of satsangis, police could not understand the strategy of guerrilla war.

A team of administration and police reached the spot to free the government land illegally occupied by Dayalbagh Satsang Sabha in Agra. During this the satsangis attacked. In such a situation, many police personnel were badly injured. And the ruckus continued for about 2 hours. But in the end the policemen had to come on the back foot due to opposition from the satsangis.

The biggest reason for this was that the police had gone to free the encroachment without any preparation. The satsangis had already prepared the strategy of guerrilla war and the intelligence department of the police completely failed in this matter. Even LIU could not have guessed that the satsangi would be present there with so much preparation.

Administration and police took action against illegal encroachments

The administration had lodged an FIR regarding illegal occupation by Radhasoami Satsang Sabha. After this, notice was given to free the encroachment. When the encroachment was not removed after giving the deadline, the administration and police took action on Saturday.

A bulldozer was also behind the police and revenue department team. As soon as DCP City Suraj Rai, SDM Sadar Parikshit Khatana, City Magistrate Anand Kumar, ACP Syed Arib Ahmed and other officers reached the gate at around quarter to five, the satsangis put their women’s wing forward.

The satsangis started pushing the women’s wing forward and started pushing with the police. The police also responded. There were a large number of satsangi. When the police were pushed, many police officers and police personnel fell on the barbed wire. The police had to use mild force to control the crowd.

The police had to come on the back foot

Seeing the situation worsening, the police officers asked for more force at around 5.15 pm. But, the force did not arrive for an hour. The situation was worsening. It was getting dark. Dayalbagh’s lights were cut. The satsangis had surrounded the police from all sides. In such a situation, the police had to come on the backfoot at around 6.30 in the evening. After talking to the satsangis, he proposed to submit the documents on Monday.

The police took the satsangis very lightly

Agreeing on this, the police took the satsangis very lightly in Sunday’s action. They felt that just as the police had freed the encroachment on Saturday, similarly the matter would be settled easily on Sunday also. But, the police had no idea that the satsangi were already present at the spot with utmost preparation. The satsangis had kept their people ready at the police station since morning. As soon as the movement of police and PAC started at the police station at 4 pm, the satsangis also started gathering.

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