
Agra: Encounter with the police of miscreants, had executed the incident of robbery from JE of PWD, two arrested

Agra: Police had an encounter with miscreants on Saturday night in Etmadpur police station area of ​​the district. In the encounter, a scumbag was injured after being shot in his leg and the police arrested the injured scumbag and admitted him to the hospital. Along with this, the police has arrested another criminal.

According to the information, some miscreants had assaulted and looted PWD junior engineer Rohit Kumar near Kuberpur intersection on Agra Firozabad Highway in Agra on July 4. After that, the miscreants left the engineer by throwing him on the roadside. And after registering a case in this matter, the Etmadpur police started searching for the robbers.

Miscreants started running after seeing the police during checking

DCP West Sonam Kumar told that the vicious crooks who robbed the junior engineer are Sahil, Arbaaz Khan and Sonu. One crook had already been caught, two were absconding. Late night the police got information about his going out of the area, on which the police put a blockade. During the checking, the miscreants started running away after seeing the police in the police station area itself. When the police laid siege and tried to catch the miscreants, they opened fire on the police. Due to which the police also had to retaliate and in this firing, a miscreant was shot in the leg, due to which he was injured.

Police arrested the injured miscreant and admitted him to SN Medical College. Where her treatment is going on. In this action, ACP Etmadpur Saurabh Singh, Inspector Etmadpur Vijay Vikram Singh, SOG in-charge Rajkumar Giri, outpost in-charge Chhalesar Deepak Kumar etc. were involved in the police team.

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