
Agra: Crowd did not gather for the light and sound show at Martyr Memorial, chairs remained empty.

A light and sound show was organized on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at the Martyr Memorial located in Sanjay Place, Agra. Light and sound show was organized by Agra Development Authority. Like Sunday, the Martyr Memorial was seen glowing with music and lights at 9 pm on Monday night. However, a trial of light and sound show is being done at the Martyr Memorial by Agra Development Authority. If it is successful, ADA is planning to conduct such programs daily.

Agra Development Authority had organized

On Monday, on the 154th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Agra Development Authority is organizing a grand light and sound show at the Martyr Memorial of Sanjay Place. With the light and sound show, the Martyr Memorial is now visible glowing even at night. However, the number of spectators reached here on the first day was less and the situation remained the same on Monday also.

spectators did not arrive

The chairs kept for spectators in the park remained empty. The people of Agra do not yet have detailed information about this program. But Agra Development Authority tried to take it to all the people. So that more and more spectators come to the Martyr Memorial and enjoy the light and sound show based on the life character of Mahatma Gandhi.

It was told by Agra Development Authority that to pay tribute to Gandhiji, many incidents from the history of Gandhiji will be displayed through projection lights on the walls of the memorial for three days. In this series, during the show on Sunday and Monday, patriotic songs kept echoing nearby along with the light show. Sitting arrangements have also been made for the spectators by the Agra Development Authority at the Shaheed Memorial Park. So that the audience can enjoy this light and sound show.

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