
Agra: A case of dacoity has been registered against the metropolitan president of BJP Yuva Morcha, accused of looting and assaulting an army man.


UP: While playing cricket in Adarsh ​​Nagar of Shahganj area of ​​Agra, the ball hit a car, which broke the glass. After this there was a dispute between the two parties and a case was filed from both the sides. The first party first filed a case under the SC ST Act. At the same time, a week later, the other party has filed a case in this, and has nominated four people including Shailu Pandit, the Metropolitan President of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha in Agra. The other side has accused all of them of dacoity and stone pelting in the case. It is being told that till now the police has not been able to identify any accused in this case.

March 25 is the case

According to the information received, Firoz Khan, a resident of Adarsh ​​Nagar of Shahganj, is a Naib Subedar in the Azad Army and is posted in Jodhpur. At the same time, he told that his grandfather is a freedom fighter and father is a retired teacher. Firoz Khan had filed a case on Monday in the police station Shahganj. In which he had mentioned that on March 25, 20-25 people came in a vehicle and entered their house and assaulted and looted them. Son Irshad and brother Farid were beaten with sticks and bricks were thrown at the house.

File a case against these people

He told that the police who reached the information of the incident somehow saved him. But the accused also reached the post and the police did not listen to them. At the same time, he also has a video of this incident, but the police still filed a reverse case against him. At the same time, he has complained against the accused to the Police Commissioner. In which a case has been registered against Mithilesh Maurya, Goga Maurya, Ayush Maurya, Shelu Pandit and unknown accused.

what is the whole matter

Let us tell you that earlier Mithilesh Maurya, a resident of Triveni Nagar Garhi Bhadoria, had filed a case against Firoz Khan and Farid Khan, Irshad, Ghafoor and three unknown accused. In which Mithlesh told that on March 25, she had gone to Adarsh ​​Nagar Mittal Hospital with her family. Where he had to meet Samdhi. He parked his car in front of the hospital, only then a young man standing there broke the glass of the car.

Action will be taken on the basis of evidence

On protesting, other people also came along with the young man and he abused indecency and spoke caste-indicative words. On the basis of which the police had registered a case in rebellion, abusing, threatening to kill, SC ST Act and other sections. On the other hand, on this whole matter, ACP Lohamandi Girish Kumar told that a case has been registered on behalf of both the parties. In which discussion is being done. Further action will be taken on the basis of evidence.


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