
Agra: 1500 stories of murder and suicide are kept in the jars of post mortem house.

Agra. The secrets of hundreds of murders, suicides and accidents are hidden in the jars of the post-mortem house of SN Medical College. More than 1500 viscera have been kept in jars in one room for years. These viscera, important links of justice, are lying in the room like garbage. The situation is that his numbers have been erased and there is no information about his post mortem report. Neither the health department nor any responsible officer is taking care of it. Upon investigation, it was found that these jars of viscera kept in a room near the post-mortem house were from between 1990 and 2004. An employee was deployed by the health department to look after this room. But there is no employee present on the spot to take care of it. It is not we who are telling this but the jars lying haphazardly in the room. In the room where the jars are kept, clothes, hair and other items of many dead bodies are also scattered. This jar of viscera is waiting for someone among them. Also the door of the room is broken. The windows have also been broken. There is dirt all around the room and jars have fallen on the ground. The numbers written on the jar have either been erased or have become lighter. If relevant viscera is needed for any case, it will be very difficult to find it in this room.

Viscera not sent to forensic science laboratory

These viscera belong to people whose cause of death was not clear in the postmortem. As per rules, viscera is kept only when the cause of death is not clear. So that the situation can become clear during investigation or trial. It is the responsibility of the police to send the viscera to the Forensic Science Laboratory, where investigation can be done. No one has any information about whether these viscera have been sent for examination or not. For testing, the viscera is first boiled and taken in liquid form in the science laboratory. After this it is seen whether there is alcohol or poison in it. If the test for alcohol or poison comes positive, another test is done to confirm it. After confirmation, a report is given as to which poison or which alcohol has been found in the viscera. When the cause of death is not clear in postmortem, viscera is preserved. It contains parts of liver, kidney, spleen and fluids of the body.

Investigation is pending for 12 years

The employees told that no one has gone from this room for viscera examination for the last 12 years. Till 2019, the door of the room remained closed. But now the door is always open. For years, neither the police nor any health department official has come here to collect viscera for investigation in any case. Orders to destroy the jars of viscera kept in the room had been given several times before. But they are not being resolved by throwing the ball in the court of the health department and the police. It is also not clear where the reports of all these visars are. However, now CMO Dr. Arun Srivastava says that soon all these jars will be destroyed. Before this, their records are being checked.

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