
After air pollution, Patna is now in the grip of noise pollution, more than the prescribed limit in residential areas


Saqib, Patna. The level of noise pollution in Patna is becoming increasingly worrying. If this is not curbed, then in the coming days its bad effect will be seen on the health of the people of the city. According to the information received, throughout the year 2022, the noise pollution in the residential area of ​​Patna has been more than the prescribed limit. The noise limit for residential areas is 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels at night. The annual average of noise pollution in Phulwarisharif area of ​​Patna is 57.9 decibels during the day and 52.8 decibels at night. In this way, the noise pollution in this area in 2022 has been 2.9 decibels during the day and 7.8 decibels at night more than the prescribed limit.

Noise pollution more than the prescribed limit even in industrial area

In Patliputra Industrial Area also, noise pollution in 2022 remained above the prescribed limit. The noise pollution limit here is 75 decibels during the day and 70 decibels at night. But, the annual average of noise pollution in this area has been 75.1 decibels during the day and 71.9 at night.

Even in the commercial area, it remained slightly less than the prescribed limit.

Noise pollution from the planetarium area is registered in the commercial category. According to the information received from the noise pollution measuring unit installed here, in the year 2022, the level of noise pollution here has been slightly less than the prescribed limit. The noise limit for commercial areas is 65 decibels during the day and 55 decibels at night. However, the annual average noise level in the constellation area is 61.9 decibels during the day and 54.7 decibels at night.

these are the reasons

  • vehicular noise

  • excessive use of loudspeakers

  • Increasing use of DJ

Various health problems due to noise pollution

ENT specialist Dr. Shaheen Zafar said that due to noise pollution, many health problems can be faced. Due to this, there may be complaints of headache, irritability, lack of sleep, loss of hearing ability. Along with this, tinnitus can also occur due to noise pollution, in which the patient experiences the sound of whistle or jingoor.


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