
Adopt these home remedies in cold, along with health, immunity will remain healthy.

home made remedies

Cold continues to wreak havoc across North India. In this season, prevention is the only way. As far as possible, unnecessary leaving of the house should be avoided in this season. If it is necessary to go out, then go out only after covering the body completely. Many times, despite taking all the precautionary measures, one feels cold. It is important to consume things with hot nature. In such a situation, home remedies are very effective in preventing cold during this period. Know about some home remedies which protect you from cold.

These are home remedies

turmeric milk

In cold weather, turmeric should be mixed with milk and consumed. When you feel cold then definitely drink turmeric milk. It kills bacteria and increases immunity. Mix one spoon turmeric in a glass of hot milk and drink it. This will provide relief and reduces the effect of cold from the body.

honey in lukewarm water

Honey kills bacteria and viruses. In case of cold, drinking lukewarm water mixed with one to two spoons of honey provides relief. Take care not to mix honey in too hot water. The water should remain lukewarm. This provides relief from sore throat.

decoction of ginger, jaggery and ghee

A decoction of ginger, jaggery and ghee is beneficial for cold patients. It is also beneficial in cough and provides relief in case of chest congestion. Take ginger, jaggery and desi ghee in equal quantities. Mix ginger and jaggery together and crush them. Mix desi ghee in it and cook on low flame. Consume the prepared decoction.

Taking steam will provide relief

Taking steam provides relief in case of cold, cough and nasal congestion. It opens the blocked nose and respiratory system and makes breathing easier. To get steam, take hot water in a big vessel. Take a big towel over your head and make a circle around the vessel with it. In this way, take steam intermittently. This will also provide relief from shortness of breath.

These measures will also provide relief

  • In case of cold, it is important to keep the body hydrated. Keep drinking lukewarm water at intervals of half an hour.

  • Gargling is also beneficial. To gargle, mix salt and turmeric in hot water. This will eliminate the infection.

  • Ginger tea is beneficial. You can drink this tea three to four times a day.

  • Honey has antibacterial properties. You can eat one spoon of honey before sleeping at night.

  • If you have diarrhea due to cold, take a pinch of celery, a pinch of fenugreek and a pinch of black salt and swallow it or mix it in lukewarm water and drink it.

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