
Action against drug dealers in Jharkhand, four smugglers arrested with opium and doda worth Rs 2 crore 30 lakh from Chatra.

Chatra, Showdown: Jharkhand’s Chatra Police got a big success against drug dealers on Tuesday. Police have arrested four smugglers with opium and doda worth Rs 2.30 crore, while one smuggler managed to escape. SP Vikas Kumar Pandey gave this information in a press conference in his office room at the Collectorate. He said that raids are being conducted to arrest absconding smuggler Rupan Ganjhu and other smugglers. Action against smugglers will continue.

43 kg opium seized from smugglers
Police have arrested four smugglers with opium and doda worth Rs 2 crore 30 lakh. The arrested smugglers include Brahmdev Ganjhu, resident of Titahi Badgaon of Kunda police station area, Virendra Ganjhu, Haridwar Kumar, Chandradev Ganjhu, resident of Pasagam village of Lavalong police station area. Rupan Ganjhu of Hosir village of Lavalong police station area absconded. 43 kg opium and 103.710 kg doda were seized from the smugglers.

Drug paraphernalia were kept hidden in homes
Chatra SP said that secret information was received that in Titahi Badgaon of Kunda police station area and Hosir and Pasagam villages of Lavalong police station area, some people have kept opium hidden in their homes to sell it. In the light of the information, a raid team was formed under the leadership of Simaria SDPO Ajay Kumar Kesari. The team took prompt action and conducted raids in the houses of smugglers and seized opium and doda. A raid operation is being conducted to arrest absconding Rupan Ganjhu and other smugglers.

Campaign against smugglers will continue
Chatra SP said that the campaign against smugglers will continue. Drug smugglers will not be spared. Apart from Simaria SDPO, the raid team included Kunda police station in-charge Nitish Kumar Prasad, Lavalong police station in-charge Rupesh Kumar and many district force personnel.

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