
Abuse alone is not abuse, if your partner behaves like this then be alert.


Whether you are living in a live-in or married life, or are in any relationship. Many times you may face such situations which may not give you a good feeling. It is fine when there is understanding between couples, but when abusive language is used repeatedly and this trend does not stop, then the matter is sensitive and water is going above the head. Let us know what is abusive language.

abuse in relationship

Insult between acquaintances

Many times your partner says such things about you to acquaintances or in public places, which you do not like. This is a kind of abuse. In that case you have to face an uncomfortable situation.

relationship abuse

Making fun is also abuse

If your partner says something in public that makes fun of you in public and makes you feel insulted, then it is abuse. In such a situation you have to face mental torture.


It is wrong to keep an eye on every moment

If your partner starts keeping track of your every moment, when and where you go, with whom you are, what you wear, what you eat and starts imposing his will on these things, then it is a type of abuse.

private space

Do not enter private space

If your partner is crossing your private space and your boundaries, then it is an abusive situation. Trying forcefully to know what you are doing on your mobile, what you are talking to your friends or family members is abuse.


wrong to compare

Your partner many times tries to humiliate you in different situations. If someone compares you with someone and causes you mental distress, then it comes under abuse.

blame game

don’t let them blame

Many times you are blamed for things for which you are not guilty. If you are blamed by your partner even for small things, then it is abuse.


joke of emotions

If your partner makes fun of the things shared in emotions and does not understand your feelings, then it is abuse. This proves that your feelings have no place in his eyes. He is ignoring her.


taunting is not fair

Tightening your teeth during conversation i.e. taunting shows the abusive nature of the partner. Hurting you again and again in this way cannot be called fair in a relationship.

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