
A village in Jharkhand where people live in captivity, know the reason


Jharkhand News: Villagers of Matramchak of Digdhi Panchayat under Godda district are waiting for basic facilities. Even today the villagers are feeling like prisoners in the village. There is no road for the villagers to go in and out of the village. The villagers are forced to travel with the help of footpaths. The population of 250 lives in 40 houses in the village. In which most of the people are of Kurmi caste. Some tribal and minority community people also live there. Despite this, till now the villagers have not been able to reach the village till the road.

Jharkhand News: With the help of this trail, people are forced to go to Matramchak village of Godda.

Four wheeler could not reach the village

Villagers Sangeeta Kumari, Gayatri Kumari, Singa Devi, Genda Devi, Budhni Devi, Chhedilal Mahato, Bablu Mahato, Kailash Mahato, Bablu Mahato, Gyanchand Mahato told that there is a lot of shortage in the absence of road. Even a four wheeler is not able to come in the village. Due to which the development of the village is hanging in balance. The future of the village child is in darkness. The child’s relationship does not happen in good homes. If someone falls ill in the village, he has to be taken to the hospital with the help of a cot. There is no facility of ambulance in the village. It seems that people are feeling imprisoned in the jail.

Unpaved road and footpath are the only support

The villagers told that Gadgulal village is towards the east from the village. Where this village can be connected by road. Devanchak village is at a distance of one kilometer towards the western direction, where people reach on the main road. But, in both the directions there is only a rough road and footpath. On which people go out of the village.

At the time of elections, leaders come only to ask for votes.

The villagers told that at the time of elections the leaders only come to ask for votes and after winning they do not come back again so that they can solve our problems. The villagers told that in this village we live very poor people who have been earning their living by doing wages. It is said that there are two hand pumps in the village, but both are often out of order. They quench their thirst by drinking water from an open well. Not even a water tower has been installed in the village.

children’s future is getting worse

The villagers told that the future of each and every child of the village is getting worse. There is neither a school nor an Anganwadi center in the village. Older children of some villages walk a distance of one kilometer to Devanchak to study. Neither any leader is going to take care of it, nor the block administration. The villagers told that there are many such families who are also deprived of the pension scheme.

Administration assured to solve the problem

The villagers demanded the solution of the problems being faced in the village from the district administration, so that the villagers can get some relief in the traffic during the heavy rains. In this regard, Deputy Chief Kundan Kumar Mahato told that there is a serious problem in front of the villagers. The matter will be taken up prominently in the Panchayat Samiti meeting. Here, BDO Rajeev Kumar said that he will go to the village and talk to the villagers so that the problem can be solved.


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