
4.80 lakh electricity connections will be provided free of cost in Bihar, solarization will be done in 1354 dedicated feeders


Electricity has also been focused prominently in Agriculture Roadmap-4. In this roadmap, 4.80 lakh electric pump sets will be given free electricity connections. Along with this, 31078 transformers of 25 and 63 KVA will be distributed under the Chief Minister’s Agricultural Power Connection Scheme. 12430 circuit km dedicated KVA feeder and 22717 circuit km LT line will be constructed. Solarization works will be done in the existing 1354 dedicated feeders. An estimated expenditure of Rs 6190.75 crore has been fixed in the Energy Department.

Geo-referencing will be done on 104251 maps

Under the Department of Revenue and Land Reforms, the work of geo-referencing will be done in 30 districts of the state where geo-referenced maps are not available. For this, 104251 maps of 36020 revenue villages have been selected. Apart from this, the programs of survey and settlement will be implemented under this department.

Target to purchase 45 lakh metric tonnes of paddy every year

Under this roadmap, a target has been set to procure 45 lakh metric tonnes of paddy every year. At the same time, a target has been set to purchase 20 lakh metric tonnes of wheat. There will be purchase of pulses and oilseeds at the support price. Storage capacity will also be developed.

Roadmap’s priority to DPR

Department-wise estimated expenditure has been fixed by the government in the agriculture roadmap. A total of 12 departments have been included in this. Rs 83766.94 crore An estimated expenditure of Rs 223366 crore has been kept for food and consumer protection and agriculture-crop and horticulture sector development. The concerned departments will be able to implement the programs included in the Agriculture Roadmap as ongoing plans. It has been said to give priority to the DPR of the agricultural roadmap.

  • Department – DPR – Ongoing Plan – Estimated Expenditure

  • Agriculture-Crops and Horticulture- 11648.07 – 10718.11 – 22366.18

  • Animal and Fish Resources – 13042.15 – 2307.25 – 15349.40

  • Energy – 6190.75 – 0.00 – 6190.75

  • Revenue and Land Reforms – 13.53 – 1187.21 – 1200.75

  • Environment Forest and Climate Change – 3875.98- 0.00 – 3875.98

  • Industry – 3446.20- 0.00- 3446.20

  • Sugarcane Industry – 63.25- 666.69- 729.94

  • Water Resources – 500.00- 18696.17- 19196.17

  • Minor Water Resources – 5308. 00- 0.00- 5308. 00

  • Rural Work – 393.98 – 0.00- 393.98

  • Food and Consumer Protection – 5638.94 – 78128.00- 83766.94

  • Cooperative – 0.00 – 444.50 – 444.50


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