
3 Days Week: Bill Gates agrees with the idea of ​​working three days a week, know what is the philosophy

Bill Gates on AI: Ever since Artificial Intelligence has entered the world, it has changed the world in many ways. AI has brought major changes in the way almost every type of work is done. AI has become so advanced that it has started replacing humans in many cases. Recently, Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates has also given a big statement regarding AI. In his statement, he said that Artificial Intelligence will not become a threat to people’s jobs, rather, it will reduce their working time even more. Billionaire Bill Gates made this statement during comedian Trevor Noah’s What Now? Gave while talking to him during the podcast. During this conversation, he was also asked questions related to the danger of Artificial Intelligence. On answering these questions, Bill Gates put forward the idea of ​​a world where humans will not have to work as hard as before because machines will take over the burden of everyday tasks.

AI can do many types of work

Regarding Artificial Intelligence, Bill Gates believes that in the coming time or future, machines can do many types of work like making things and even cooking. Gates also believes that due to AI, the working week will be reduced to only 3 days. Because of this, everyone will get a more balanced and comfortable way of earning. Explaining further, Bill Gates said that for more than two decades of his life, he was monomaniacal about his company. At the age of 68, he realized that the purpose of life is not just to do a job.

Had to work three days a week

Microsoft founder and billionaire Bill Gates further said in his statement that, if you finally get a society where you get to work only three days a week or something, then it would be right. Machines can make everything from food to other things, due to which we do not have to work so hard. In an earlier interview, Bill Gates had also mentioned about the risks and benefits of AI. In a post shared on Gatesnotes in the month of July, he addressed the dangers of AI and described them as very real but manageable. In his statement he had said that the risk is real but it can be managed.

The risk is real but can be managed

Talking about the possible risks of AI, he mentioned the impact of misinformation and deepfakes, threats to security, job market and education. He wrote, this is not the first time that a new technology has brought a big change in the labor market. I think the impact of AI will be as revolutionary and dramatic as the Industrial Revolution, but certainly as big as the introduction of the personal computer. Explaining further, he said that the future of AI will not be as serious or as bright as some people believe. All the risks associated with this are real but I hope they can also be managed.

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